13 - Girls Day Out

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Ema's POV
Today I was going out, not with boys, but girls. Something I've never actually done. It was going to be Freya, Emily, Katie and Myself. So the SideChicks pretty much. I'd just got out of the shower and I was in my room trying to find something to wear, I had a towel around me, besides that and my bra and underwear was all I had on. "Tobi" I yelled out, I heard footsteps and then my door open then close. "Yes" he asked, I turned around and pouted, "I don't know what to wear, I've never gone out with just girls" I said, Tobi walked over and began looking through my cupboard, "wear this and this and tie up this shirt" he said handing me clothes and shoes. I took off my towel and Tobi's eyes laid on my body, so I began to feel very self conscious. I tried covering up as much of my body as I could, Tobi came came over and moved my hands, and made himself tower over me, "don't cover up, you're beautiful no matter what" he said, I blushed and he lifted up my chin and kissed me, "Tobi let me get changed" I whispered, he chuckled and turned around. I put on what he said for me to wear, and to be fair, he had great style. He'd given me Light blue ripped jeans, black Adidas Gazelles and a Red box Sdmn t'shirt. I grabbed a hair tie and tide it up so it was slightly shorter, like a crop top. "You have great style" I said, he turned around and smiled, "give us a spin" he said, I giggled and spun around, Tobi hyping me up as I did. "Damn, my girl looks hot" he said, I laughed and walked over, and kissed him lightly. "And your ass looks great in them jeans" he said, I slapped his arm, "Tobi" I said laughing, he chuckled. "All jokes aside, you actually look really good" he said, I blushed lightly. "I might have to get you to start picking my outfit more often" I said to him, he chuckled. "Go before you're late" he said, I kissed his cheek and walked off, him following me out my room.

I walked out to my car and started driving to where we were meeting up, which was Westfields. The drive is about half an hour from the house and we were meant to meet at 9:30 and it was 9 so I timed it perfectly. We were going to meet up in front of Starbucks so we could get a coffee or something before shopping. I wasn't really big on the whole shopping thing, but I was willing to do it so I actually had some girl friends.

The half hour passed quickly and before I knew it I was at Westfield's. I walked in the front door and made my way to Starbucks and saw Freya already standing out the front, I waved at her and saw he smile and begin walking towards me. "Hello, it's so good to finally meet you" she said hugging my, I hugged her back, "yeah same with you" I said, she giggled "I can tell you don't do this regularly" she said, I smiled, "first time when it's only girls" I said, she smiled, "well, us girls will show you a good time" she said, I smiled "I hope so" I said, we began walking back to Starbucks and stood outside the shop of the other girls, making random small talk. "So you and Tobi" she asked, I nodded "you two are so cute together" she said, I smiled, "aw thanks, but you and Josh are actually goals" I replied back, she smiled. "You are even prettier in person, sorry I just had to put that out there" I laughed, "well thank you, but I have to admit the same with you, I mean you're so pretty in pictures but absolutely gorgeous in reality" I said, she smiled, "thank you" she replied.

We stood there for maybe another 5 minutes and the other two girls finally came. They walked over and hugged Freya then looked at me and hugged me. Katie and Emily pretty much said the same thing as Freya saying it's so good to finally meet me and that. "Alright, let's get a coffee" Emily said, we all walked into the shop and found a little booth seat to sit in, I sat next to Freya and Emily and Katie sat opposite us. "Alright I'll go order, what do you all want" Freya said, we all gave her our order and us 3 waited. "So Ema, you and Tobi right" Emily asked, I nodded. "How long had it been now" Katie asked, "about 4 maybe 5 months" I said, they awwed, "that's so cute" Emily said, I smiled. "Freya already told us that this is your first time with just girls, and trust me you're gonna have a ball" Kate said, I smiled.

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