18 - Fifa and Football

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Ema's POV
~3 months later~ big skip sorry

I've been sat at my desk for the past 6 hours finishing up on a secret project no one knows about. For the last 3 months I'd been working on something and it starting to effect my sleep because I've only ever been doing this. A soft knock filled my quiet room and I minimised the tab and turned around in my chair. And to my surprise, Vikk walked in. "How can I help you" I said yawning. He handed me a plate, "eat, you haven't all day" he said, I smiled, "thanks Vikk, this is hard work" I said opening up my tab. I guess I lied when I said no one knows, Vikk knows because he caught me doing it. "It's starting to look really good, loving the colour" he said, I smiled and took a bite of my sandwich. "Chicken, lettuce and mayo, you're favourite" he said, I smiled, "what would I do without you Vikk" I asked him, he shrugged, "you'd be starving that's for sure" he said, I smiled, he looked at my screen, "I have one suggestion" he said, I moved out of the way so he could do his suggestion. I watched as he changed one thing, making it look so much better. "Alright, I love that" I said to him, he smiled and patted my shoulder, "eat, then come out of your room and socialise" he said, I nodded. I saved what I had done then closed off the tab and walked out of my room eating my sandwich.

Everyone was gathered in the living room watching, Simon and Harry playing fifa, I couldn't really tell who was who though. I walked up beside Simon and sat on the arm of the chair, "who is who" I asked, "I'm Real Madrid, Harry is United" Simon replied. "Well I'm already backing Harry, sorry Si" I said walked around the couch and sitting beside Harry. "Fuck" He exclaimed as Simon scored just before half time. "Pass the controller and I'll win for you" I whispered to him as Simon began the game. He smirked and handed me the control, "YES" he yelled as I scored.

In the end, Harry and I won 3-2 but Simon didn't know I was playing. "How" Simon said, slouching onto the couch, I laughed to myself. I looked over at Simon and saw JJ whisper something in his ear. "Harold you're such a cheat" Simon said, "what do you mean" He asked innocently. "You got Ema to play" he said, Harry chuckled, "JJ you ruin everything" he said laughing, I chuckled to myself. "Alright, someone verse me" I said, as Harry handed me the controller, "you're on girly" JJ said taking the other controller from Simon. "Well I'm staying Man U" I said, JJ changed to Arsenal. "It's on" I said as he started the game. Everyone was gathered around, no one really knew my skills on fifa, I never really versed anyone that much, so it was very intense.

JJ and I played on, half time it was 2-1 me, "getting nervous" I asked him smirking, he shook his head and began the second half. 2 minutes JJ scored making it 2 all, "look who's nervous now" he taunted, I chuckled and went on attacking, passing the ball around, getting at least 6 passes in. I passed up front and scored top corner. Everyone went crazy. There was now one minute left on the clock and JJ had the possession. I tackled him and ran down the right side, passing up front when there was a clearing. I shot and got it, bottoms left. I jumped up screaming. "OH SHIT" Simon yelled as he jumped up. Everyone went crazy again, they began making comments like;
'How does it feel to loose to a girl
'Jeez JJ, 4-2 lose'
And it went on from there, I smiled and put my hand out, "good game Jide" I said, he laughed and shook my hand. I passed the controller to Josh and walked over and sat beside Tobi, he smiled and put his arm around my shoulders, "Tobi, are you busy tomorrow?" I asked, he shook his head, "wanna go play football tomorrow, no cameras just fun" I asked, he smiled and nodded, "would love to, can I invite Manny?" He asked, I nodded, "definitely, I wanna meet the little bro" I said to him, he chuckled.
It was the next day and Tobi and I were waiting at the pitch for Manny, I was juggling the ball, doing around the worlds and some other tricks. I kicked the ball up and caught it. As I did, I heard clapping from beside me, I turned and smiled and saw Manny. "You must be Ema" he said, I smiled and nodded, "and you must be Manny" I said, he nodded. "No cameras just fun?" He asked, I nodded. "Sounds good, need to practice for the game" he said, I nodded remembering Tobi and Manny did Sunday league. I passed manny the ball, "crossbar" I said, he put the ball on the penalty spot and ran up and kicked, just missing the bar. "Tobi" I said passing him a ball. He did that same as Manny, just missing it. Tobi then threw me a ball, "Ema" he said, I smirked and ran and kicked the ball. Ding. I turned around, "now that's how you do it" I said to them. They laughed and we began kicking the ball around.

After a couple of hours, we decided to all head back to the Sidemen House. Manny took his car and Tobi and I went in his. We arrived and all walked in, "so I hear you're the unbeatable at fifa" Manny said sitting beside me, I grinned. "Well you've heard right" I said, he grinned and grabbed a controller, "well game on" he said, I smirked, "one second, we need an audience" I said. "BOYS, MANNY THINKS HE CAN BEAT ME AT FIFA" I yelled out, I heard the footsteps of the 6 boys walking out, Vikk obviously not joining. "Manny, back out now" Jide said, I laughed remembering this mornings game. "Nah she might actually have some competition here, he's decent" I heard Tobi say from behind me, "Alrighty, let's get this started" I said. We chose our teams, me obviously being Man U and Manny was Liverpool. "May the best man win" I said as I kicked off.

It was fairly even the first couple of minutes, Manny was actually very good at this. I had possession, but got tackled, giving Manny possession. He ran down the left side, and passed it to the middle, I tried to tackle him as he shot, but was to late and he scored, bottom corner. I sighed in frustration and continued playing, I got the ball of him and passed two of his players, I passed it to the left them up from, shooting and scoring. Then it was half time. "I actually have competition" I said, making Manny laugh. We continued playing, both getting close, but never scoring. It came to and of game and it was 1 all. "Penalties?" I asked, he nodded.

I was up first, I got Pogba up. Manny and I faced away from each other and I ran, shooting Top Left, he stayed where he was, giving me a point. Manny got Courtinio up and once again we faced opposite ways. He ran for the ball and I went left, but he went right. We continued on and it got to the point where if he missed I won. I decided to stay in the centre. He ran up and kicked, straight down the middle. "YESSSSS" I yelled as I jumped up. "Good game" I said to him, he smiled. "You're actually quite decent at fifa ya know" he said. I smiled and sat back down beside him.

I really need to pre write more chapters

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