26 - Found Her

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Ema's POV
I was weak, I've been through a lot, but this, this is the worst of it all. Everyday, I get covered in bruises, I wake up in pain, to the point I can barely move. Hopefully soon Jacob will be back with some good news, but until then I have to wait.

Jacob returned, bringing in his usual box of things, a smile spread across his face. "Hello again" I said, barely a whisper, his smile disappeared, he walked over to me and sat beside me, "it's getting worse isn't it" he said, I nodded slightly, "tell me you have some good news" I said, he nodded, "I found them, we're meeting up tomorrow, you should be out of here by the end of the week" he whisper, a small smile formed on his face, "what day is it?" I asked him, he sighed, "Tuesday" he said softly, I nodded. "If you can get me out of here any earlier please try" I said to him, he nodded, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head, "trust me Ema, you'll be out before you know it" he said before walking out, the door slamming shut. I laid my head against the cold wall, closing my eyes and slowly drifting to sleep.
Simon's POV
A knock at the door echoed through the house, "I'll get it" I yelled out as I walked to the door, I opening it and moved aside letting Jacob in. "How is she" I asked him, he sighed, "not good, not good at all" he said softly, I stayed silent. Tobi walked in and looked at me, "I'm sorry, but fuck this, we're getting her today. Im not letting anything happen to her, I promised her that. So let's get to the police station and get her the fuck out of there" he said, I looked over at Jacob, he was contemplating something, "Okay, let's go then"
We were driving down a long ass road the police way ahead of us and Jacob behind us. The sirens were all you could here. Cars and trucks sped past us, ambulances passed us. I looked over at Tobi, I didn't know what to say to him, I just nodded and he seemed to understand what I meant. He nodded back and I looked back ahead of us. We arrived at an abandoned building, I never even knew it was there. We pulled up behind all the cars and Tobi and I ran to the front of the cars, "you'll have to stay here" the officer said, I looked at Tobi and after that everything seemed to go in slow motion. Armed police ran through the front of the building, gunshots going off. Yelling and screaming. More police ran in, leaving us and a few more officers out here. Minutes seem to take hours, but two police officers ran out, a body being carried, "EMA" Tobi screamed beside me, he went to run but I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me, tears rolled down his cheeks, the same for me. I let go of him and we ran to the ambulance, but I had already started speeding off. We ran to the car and sped after it, following it all the way to the hospital. We parked wherever we could and ran through the doors, two people were there, they walked over to us, "She's gone into surgery, I can take you to wait where we'll be keeping her" she said, I nodded and we followed her, she took us to the room and we waited on the plastic chairs outside. Neither of us said anything. "I'm going to call the boys" I said to him, he stayed silent. I walked through some door and called Harry, it rung a couple of times, then he answered. "Simon where the hell are you" he said frantically, "get the others, come to the hospital. We got Ema back" I said, my voice breaking slightly, "Okay, I'm coming now" he said before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and just broke down. My back sliding down the wall and I just cried. I couldn't stop.

I sat there for ages, just crying until I couldn't cry anymore. The doors opened beside me, and I looked up and saw Josh. He held out his hand and pulled me up, hugging me slightly. "Is she alright?" He asked, I shrugged, "shes in surgery" I said to him, he sighed and looked at me. "Where's Tobi?" He asked, I pointed to the doors and we walked through them, Tobi was exactly the same as before. Josh sighed and walked to him, crouching in front of him. "Hey Tobi" he said softly, he said nothing, "c'mon Tobs, say something to me" Josh said, Tobi still said nothing, instead he started sobbing in his hands.

Non of us said anything for awhile, we just waited for someone to come tell us Ema was okay.

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