24 - Jacob

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Ema's POV
Torture, that is what it was like here. Tied up in chains to a wall, be brutally beaten by the man who completely ruined your life. He was right when he said he'd do something worse than slap me if I called Lana anything but her name. It's been 2 days, since I woke up and 5 days that I've been in her, and in those two days I've been bruised and broken by him. My ribs ached, my lip was busted and my head throbbed. I guess maybe I did deserve this, after leaving him the way I did, I had this coming my way.

There was a routine around here, I get woken up by an alarm around 7, get fed at 8 then wait for whatever happens to me between 9 and 5. At 6 I get fed again then I wait until I'm tired and fall asleep. This has happened the past two days, and I can only assume it'll be like this until I find a way out of here. Time passed slowly, there was no clock so I couldn't keep time, my phone was taken and the windows were covered by trees. I had no way to tell the time, making it pass by excruciatingly slow.

I closed my eyes, waiting for this headache to go away, but it only got worse at the screeching of the door opening. I looked up and saw the last person I thought I'd see here, "of course you're here as well, my luck couldn't get any better" I said sarcastically, she chuckled, "nice to know you've still got that sense of humour in you" she smirked, I rolled my eyes, "So Tegan, I'm guessing that you, Tony and Lana make the group who kidnaped me and are now torturing me" I said, "good job, you guess the obvious, do you want a medal?" She said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes, "get to the point, what do you want, why am I here, why are you here" I said to her, she smiled, "first of all, we totalled you car, we burnt it. Secondly, you're here because Tony wants you back, and I'm here because I want Simon back" she said to me, I sighed, "first of all, that car cost a lot of money, second off all, there's no way in hell I'm getting back with Tony, third of all, you broke Simon's heart, I doubt you'll win him back and forth, please fuck off, I don't like you and I want to be left alone" I said, smiling at the end, she rolled her eyes, and began walking off, "oh by the way, Simon doesn't date slags, so I wouldn't bother trying" I said to her, her jaw tensed, "you'll regret that one" she said before walking off, "I've heard that one before" I yelled after her, but the door slammed shut before I could finish, I chuckled to myself  "there's no way Simon would get back with her" I said to myself. I leant my head against the wall and closed my eyes, waiting for the sound of the door to open again. I knew it wouldn't be long now, whenever I insult on of them, Tony comes running in to make it all better.

As if on cue, in comes Tony. "Hello again" I said opening my eyes, he walked up to me and pushed me hard against the wall, "do you think this is funny, some kind of joke" he said, spitting on my face, I wiped of the spit, "Yeah I kinda do, because you're trying so hard to get back with me, but honestly, why would I if you're being my own personal torture" I said chuckling lightly. He let out a huff, and let go of my shoulders. "You're right, I shouldn't torture you to get back with you" he said, I sat there shocked slightly, "wait, I'm right?" I questioned him he nodded, "I should torture you for fun, what a good idea Ema" he said walking closer to me, I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to be inflicted on me.
What felt like hours passed, finally he thought he'd done enough. He walked out, wiping his hands on his pants, leaving me there helpless. I winced looking down at my hands, 3 broken fingers and a dislocated thumb. My ribs ached from being kicked. My nose bloody and also probably broken. And my knee dislocated from being twisted, I heard the pop as he did it. The worst thing was I couldn't even fight back, I was chained up to the wall and floor, no way of being able to help myself. I used the wall as support and slowly got up. I limped over to the mattress and slowly sat down. I closed my eyes and let the tears drip down my face, making the cut on my lip sting.

The door opened once again, and the tears came down faster, "please, don't hurt me anymore" I said keeping my eyes closed. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I flinched and opened my eyes and saw someone I didn't recognise, he was young, about my age, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Who are you" I stuttered out, he sighed, "I'm Jacob, the doctor who doesn't like what's happening and is being blackmailed into staying here. So I'm here to fix you up" he said taking my hands. "So Broken fingers, I can strap them" he said as he grabbed tap for the box he had beside him. He strapped my fingers up, "dislocated thumb, I can pop back into place" he said, quickly popping it back in making me wince and make mores tears roll down my face, he looked up at me, "I'm sorry" he said wiping the tears from my cheek with a soft smile, "a broken nose, I can give you ice and that's about it" he said giving me a small ice pack. "Does anywhere else hurt?" He asked, I nodded, "my ribs and my right knee" I said to him, he grabbed the side of my shirt, "may I?" He asked, I nodded and he lifted up the side of my shirt and looked at my rib, he pressed down slightly on them, I winced, "So they aren't broken or fractured, just very bruised, I can give you ice for that as well" he said handing me a towel with frozen peas in it. He went to my leg and looked a my knee, it was swollen and very out of place. "It's definitely been dislocated, so I'm going to have to put it back in place. Take this, I probably should've given this to you earlier" he said handing me a green whistle, "just breath it in, should make you feel less pain" he said. I breathed it and and after a couple of minutes, the pain was minimal, "I'm going to relocate it now" he said. He did what he had to do, even with the whistle, the pain was unbearable. He put it back in place then put a knee braise on my leg. "Okay, is there anything else I need to look at?" He asked, I shook my head and wiped the few tears from my face. "No I think that's all" I said do him, he nodded and looked through the box beside him. He got out a packet of pain killers, "you can take two of these every four hours, depending on how bad your pain is" he said getting up and grabbing the box, he turned around, "Jacob" I called out, he turned around, "Thank you" I said to him, he smiled, "I never got your name" he said, "Ema" I said, he smiled, "well Ema, I'll check on you everyday okay. I'm here to talk to and I'm here to make sure you get out of here alive" he said before turning around and walking out, the door slamming shut behind him.

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