19 - MERCH?

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Ema's POV
Yesterday Manny left after we all ate dinner. It was around 8 in the morning and I was sat at my desk once again, but this time, sending off the most important thing to be done. Ive been awake since 6 and It's currently 8. I feel like I need to get this done now, so it'll be ready for 2 million subscribers, which by the way it not far off, I'm currently on 1,867,982 subscribers and it's rapidly going up. I never thought I'd get this far, but I'm happy I started.

I sent the last thing before closing off the tab and spun around in my chair. I got up and walked out of my room and to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. No one was up yet so I decided to make pancakes for everyone. I got the ingredients out and began making up the batter. I turned the stove on and grabbed at pan and placed it on the stove. The pan began heating up so I put a bit of butter on it so the batter wouldn't stick. The butter melted so I decide I should start putting the batter in, I poured a decent amount, but not to much as I needed enough to make enough for 8. I flipped the pancake once it was ready and waited so I could put it on a plate. I continued on until I had made around 20, knowing most of us would have 2 but others would have 3. I placed them all on the island and got out things to put on top, like fruit, cream and other things. I placed 8 plates on the island and walked around the house, getting everyone down to the kitchen. I walked back out, and could here the sound of the boys walking in. "What smells so good" I heard Ethan say, "I made breakfast" I said to him, he smiled and grabbed a seat, followed by Harry, JJ and Vikk. The other 3 boys walked in and stood on the other side with me. "So there's enough for two each, but there are like 4 extras" I said, everyone grabbed 2 and put them on their plates, putting whatever on top. "This is so good" JJ said in satisfaction, I smiled to myself as I took another bite.

Everyone finished up, and all of the pancakes were gone, the plates piled up beside the sink and I started washing them up, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "let me do it, you cooked" I heard Tobi say, "it's fine" I said, he grabbed my hands and turned me around, picking me up and sitting me on the island, "let me" he said, I smiled. "If you insist, but I'm staying to keep you company" I said to him, he smiled and turned around and began washing up. I grabbed my phone and began looking through twitter and scrolled through my feed. I sat there looking at my phone, but then it was taken and put beside me. I looked up and Tobi was standing between my legs, "what are you doing" I asked, he smirked and lent forward, his lips inches from mine, "having fun" he said before connecting out lips, I giggled into his lips and kissed back. We stayed there for a while, but was rudely interrupted, "um hello" I pulled away and turned around and saw Vikk, I laughed, "what can I do for you" I asked, he smiled, "I was asked to come get you, Simon would like to see you" he said, I raised and eyebrow and looked over at Tobi, "alright, be back in a bit" I said to Tobi, quickly kissing him before walking off to Simon's room.

I knocked lightly, then walked in. He turned around in his chair and faced me. I sat on his bed in front of him, "you called" I said. "You've been very antisocial lately and it's starting to worry me, is everything okay?" He asked, I smiled. "Everything is great actually, but I've been very antisocial because I've been working on something" I said to him, he grinned "really now, can I know what it is" he asked, I smiled, "no you can not because it's a secret" I said to him, he chuckled. "Well, how long until what you're working on is finished" he asked, I thought for a second, "a week until I'm done the first part, and then maybe another week for the second part" I said to him, he shook his head. "Fair enough, if you need any help, just ask" he said, I smiled. "Okay" I said, he nodded. "You're free to go" he said, I chuckled and walked out.

I walked down to Vikk's room and knocked, waiting for a reply. He answered and I walked in and closed the door, "I've sent it off" I said to him, he turned in his chair, "so you're done?" He asked, I nodded, "all done, just need to wait for them to do their part, then we're good" I said to him, he smiled. "Alright, I'm going to go now I've got other things to do" I said to him, he nodded and went back to editing.
~two weeks later~

It's happening, it's finally happening. I gathered the boys around to film a video with all of us. I was announcing what I had been doing for the past 3 and a half months. "What's up everyone it's EmaFC here, and today I'm joined with the sidemen for a very special video. They don't know why they are here or why it's special but they'll find out in a minute" I began, I smiled at Vikk, "So doe the last 3 and a bit months I've been working on a secret project and I'm finally announcing it" I continued. I passed each of the boys a wrapped gift. "If you will open them please" I said. They all ripped into it and looked at it, "now show the camera" they turned it around. "I've finally done it, I've got a clothing store" I said excitedly. "There is a link to the store on the first line of the description below. But hurry because there is only limited stock" I said. "Alright that'll be it for this video, go sub to the boys and check out the store. That's it, byeeeeee" I said turning of the camera. I turned around and saw all the boys looking at the clothes. "This is really cool" I heard JJ say, I smiled. "So you like them" I asked, they all say yes, I smiled to myself.

Not my best chapter, the ending is slightly rushed, sorry x

Also on a side note, I've got writers block and I'm struggling to think of ideas. So just bare with me please x

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