With love, Harry. (chapter 1)

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Chapter 1

As Harry Styles, the member of one of the most popular bands in the world, lay next to his gorgeous girlfriend, Sparia Mick, he stared at her with his deep green eyes. They were laying on the grass and watching the clouds, and Sparia just kept quiet. Harry was fine with that, because he felt great just looking at this girl, she was his everything. 

"It's beautiful don't you reckon?" Sparia said, as she stared at the white fluffy clouds.

"Mhh-hmm." Harry said, but he wasn't paying attention, instead he was staring at her. He imagined them married with two kids living in a big house and- 

"Harry?" Sparia asked.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked as he snapped out of his daydream.

"I said I need to go." Sparia said as she got up.

"Can't we just stay for five minutes?" Harry said as he closed his eyes.

"No we can't! I have a family dinner remember?" Sparia said. "Get up you silly gooseball." She said.

"Make me." Harry teased. She tried pulling him up, but he was too strong for her, so she gave up. Harry suddenly felt her let go. Then he heard footsteps. He opened his eyes and realized she was running away. "SPARIA MICK COME BACK HERE!" He yelled and ran after her. He finally managed to catch up with her, and tackled her. They were laughing and eventually got over it.

Harry hopped on his feet and held his hand out to help Sparia up. "What a gentlemen you are." She winked and teased. She accepted his hand but as she got up she hit his head. "Owww." She said and laughed.

"It's alright." He looked at her for a second and leaned in to kiss her. As he pulled away he said, "I love you." Sparia was blown away. That was the first time he had said it to her. She was extremely happy when she heard it. 

"I love you too." She said and they were about to kiss when her phone beeped. "Oh shit, my mom just texted me, I'm late!" She grabbed harry's hand as she shoved her phone into her pocket. They both ran as fast as they could to Sparia's house. By the time they got there, they were out of breath. They laughed for a while and Sparia kissed Harry on the cheek. 

"See you." She entered her house and closed the door. Harry ran as fast as he could. As soon as he thought he was far enough, he screamed. He was so happy. He walked back to his house where he shared it with 4 of his best friends. 

When he opened the door, he saw Liam, Niall and Zayn around Louis, who was sitting on the couch.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he shut the door behind him.

"Louis broke up with Eleanor." Niall said.

"Turns out she was using me to make her company more famous." Louis said and sighed. He got up and said, "I'm gonna go sleep or something, see you guys tomorrow." He headed upstairs.

"He's really upset.." Zayn said.

"Obviously Zayn, if your girlfriend used you for publicity wouldn't you feel upset?" Liam asked.

"Yeah of course, but that's exactly why I don't want a girlfriend." Zayn answered and flopped on the couch.

"You rather date yourself?" Niall asked. Zayn nodded and they laughed.

"I'm gonna go upstairs, you know for Louis." Harry said and the other nodded.

Harry opened the door to his' and Louis room. 

"Harry, could you come here?" Louis said, laying on the bed.

Harry scooted next to him. Louis started playing with his curls. Harry knew better than to talk, he knew Louis just wanted to keep his thoughts to himself. Louis' hand stopped moving, and Harry assumed he fell asleep. 

Harry shut his eyes and fell asleep. 

After a few hours, Harry felt his phone vibrate. He opened his eyes barely awake, and opened the text. It was from Sparia.

"Family dinner was great, I'm off to bed now, love you! :* xx" 

Harry smiled himself to sleep. 

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