chapter 1

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1? I'm ranked number one?? this is so great! I have to find Tobias. wait, what if he doesn't want to congratulate me in front of everyone? Maybe I'm thinking too much. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around expecting to see Christina, but instead I see a beautiful man I get to call my boyfriend. "congrats number 1!!!" he says with a huge smile on his face. "I don't think we should wait to tell anyone about us..." With that he bends down and kisses me in the middle of dauntless. I can just see Christina's jaw drop all the way to the floor. reluctantly I break the kiss so we can explain. "WHAT WAS THAT????" Christina yells.

I guess I have some explaining to do. "well it all started the day I landed on the net..." I tell her the whole story. I tell her about that night at the bottom of the chasm. I tell her how much he means to me. The whole time I am saying this she looks as if she is going to cry. I hope they are happy tears! "so...ya! that's how this happened" I say gesturing to me and Tobias.

"that is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! I'm so happy for you!!" she says as she is squeezing the life out of me. " thanks Christina, I am happy for you and will too!" with that she nods and leaves with Will by her side. "that went well." I say with relief. " do I really mean that much to you?" Tobias says with a confused look. "of course! and even more!" I say with a smile.

"listen up members! tonight you choose apartments so be prepared!" Eric yells over the crowd. yay I am so excited to get my apartment!!! "hey tris....." Tobias says as he scratches the back of his neck. "ya?" I say getting nervous. "instead of getting your apartment tonight do you want to move into my apartment?" oh my gosh... did he really just ask? AAAHHHHHHHHHH! ok calm down tris. "sure!" I say as calmly as I can. " did I ever tell you how much I love you?" he asks slowly as he leans down. "hmmm refresh my memory." then he slowly and lovingly kisses me. All my dreams are coming true.

AN/ that is it for the first chapter so I hope you like it!!!

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