chapter 7

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As soon as tris leaves with Christina I run down to Zeke house. I open the door without even knocking. "Zeke, we don't have much time we need to go get our suits!" I yell so he hears me clearly. "Ugh fine! What color does tris want anyway?" I pull out the paper tris gave me and read it. "Ummm.... black suit, grey vest, black tie and a white shirt. Love you, tris." Crap that part was for me. "Scratch that last part." I say trying to cover up my mistake. "Ok let me tell Shauna I'll meet you there." Once I meet Zeke at the store we buy our suits and then take them back to our apartments. Once I get home I lay on the couch exhausted. I have no idea how tris will plan this wedding. Then I hear someone unlock the door and I hear small feet run to meet me.

       She jumps up and sits on me with her legs wrapped around my waist. "Guess what!!!!!" She screams excitedly. "What?" I ask curious. "We are having our wedding.... by the chasm!!" She says. That's it? Oh dear I love her. "That's great" I say. She then jumps off me and starts to ramble on about wedding colors and decorations. I cut her off with my lips and she immediately  stops talking and kisses back. But she pulls away to soon for my liking. "So....what do you think?" She asks excitedly. "It is all perfect.Tris As long as there is dauntless cake and you walk down the aisle I am ok." She then wraps her small arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest. "Do you want kids someday?" She mumbles into my chest. I never really thought about it.

          I knew I really wanted kids but I was afraid that I might become like Marcus. "Yes and no. I know I really do want kids but I am afraid I might be like Marcus." I say then kiss her hair. She pulls away and looks me in the eye. "You will never be like Marcus. You are way to caring to be like that monster." She says then hugs me again. "We should go to bed." I say and she just nods and pulls me to the bathroom so we can get ready. Once I am ready I lay in bed. Tris takes forever to get ready for bed so I am usually the first to get into bed.


Tobias takes two minutes to get ready while I take 15 minutes. Once I am done washing my face I get into my pajamas. Which is just shorts and one of Tobias' old shirts. Then I crawl into bed and Tobias immediately wraps his arms around me. I think it is one of his instincts to protect me. He makes me feel safe.

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