chapter 9

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A/N hey so sorry I didn't update sooner my WiFi was down on the weekend and I had theatre performances. life is a struggle. anyway just prepare yourself for the wedding!!!! yay it will be the next chapter(; get it? chapter 10? never mind just read the chapter(:

chapter 10 will be posted on Saturday!!! prepare for the wedding(;


I don't know why I am having mixed emotions about inviting Marcus. I should just say I don't want him there but I am afraid that a part of me wants him there. Maybe it will prove to him that I have moved on and found happiness with tris. But she is my world and I don't want Marcus to get to her. But on the bright side we have decided that our wedding should be in two weeks because we don't want to wait. I love her so much and I just can't wait.

          I am brought out of my thought when I hear a scream. I immediately run out to the kitchen only to find tris trying to make breakfast but dropping the toast on the floor. I chuckle and she notices me. "Good morning. I was just making breakfast. Do you want some?" She asks as if she hadn't just dropped half of it on the floor. "Sure, do you have any that wasn't on the floor?" I say acting clue less. "Ha.Ha." she says then runs up to me pecks me on my lips and asks me to sit down and eat. After we eat we finish some last minute things for the wedding. "Ugh, finally!" I say as we finish sending invitations. "Now can we get married?" Tris asks with a puppy dog face.

          "You know Christina will come after you if we elope. Plus you can wait one more week." I say. "I'm only waiting because you're worth waiting for." She smiles and winks. Then we walk down to were the wedding is being held. They are already setting up. It looks amazing. But I bet not as amazing as tris will look in her dress. I am snapped out of my daydream by tris snapping in my face. "Earth to Tobias!" What does that mean? "Oh, sorry." I say. "That's ok. Christina wants to know what our wedding song is." We have to have a wedding song? Dang this wedding stuff is hard. " ummmmmm...... whatever you want will work for me." I say. Because it's true. If tris is happy then I am happy. "How about... you and I by one direction!" Of course she would. Christina got her hooked on boy bands. "I love it!" I say. Then she runs of to rearrange a flower on the aisle. Then I ask if Christina if there is something fun for me to do and she asked me to go and memorize our wedding song. Oh the joy. At least I get to marry tris soon.

A/N how was it? I need feedback(: please(:

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