chapter 18

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~~~~~ Tris~~~~~~~

     It's finally been a month since I had London. It was the longest month of my life, and I'm guessing Tobias' life. Today we are finally going to take her home. Over the month Tobias and I have been working on her nursery. It has black walls, a black crib with grey and red sheets, a red changing table with a spot for diapers and such underneath., Then there's a red rug in the middle of the room, and finally we got the rocking chair my mom used with me in the corner.

     Right  now me and Tobias are on our way to the hospital to pick up London, and I'm nervous. I'm going to be responsible for a person for 18 years in about 2 minutes. Beside me Tobias doesn't let his nervousness show but I know it's in there somewhere.

      Once we arrive we are directed to where London is being kept. Once I see her all my nervousness goes away. She is so beautiful. She looks different without of her oxygen. I kneel near the bed and take her hand in my pinky. "Hey London, it's your mom." I whisper to her. She giggles at the sound of my voice.

I  smile through happy tears and pick her up while Tobias signs the papers releasing her. I slowly put her in the carrier we brought and stand up to leave. Tobias is immediately by my side and we finally leave as a family.



     When we are walking home we get a lot of stares. But it's only because their two dauntless prodigies are bringing home a baby. When we get home I put London to sleep and Tobias and I prepare for a long night

I'M BAAAAACKKK! I know you haven't missed me but I'm happy to be updating again!! I'm very proud of the reads this has gotten and all my followers for reading my stories!! also just for the newbies, there is a Facebook page for this book that is a little low on likes so if you have a Facebook, then go like it!! also I updated journey to my past for all those cool people reading it. lastly there is a book trailer for this book on YouTube so if you want to check it out be my guest!!

anyway continue on and if you read this homecoming speech, then vote!!!
Love y'all

refresh my memory : another divergent story (no war)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora