chapter 16

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We decide to cancel the beach trip since I am so far along. Me and Tobias are sitting on the couch when I feel a sharp pain go through my body. I scream in pain and Tobias immediately asks what's wrong. All I can do is point to my stomach. He picks me up and runs to the hospital. On the way there all I can think is I am only seven and a half months along. Once we get to the hospital Tobias tells the nurse that I am in labor. Once I'm booked into a room and I am laying in bed I grip Tobias' hand. He looks at me worried but then kisses my forehead. The nurse comes in and say it's time to push so I do. Every once in a while I scream out in pain or yell at Tobias but once I hear the nurse yell "she's out!" I calm down only to start to worry again because I don't hear her cry. All I see is nurses running around, Tobias panic, and then darkness.

A/N sorry it is short but I felt like I needed to end there. and by the way I can't read your guy's comments so please inbox me!

~ forever_tris

refresh my memory : another divergent story (no war)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt