Released in Both Way

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**Hello Wednesday!

Dongsan Medical Center—Dongsan-do, Daegu 56

"I'm really glad to see you," Yoona greeted Dr. Kim at the nurse's station. "I have a very impatient young man anxiously wanting to talk to you," She explained.

"Hmmm," Taehyung replied. "He wouldn't be slender, with brown hair and light brown eyes, by chance?," And adorable as hell....but he wasn't about to tell HER that.

She smiled. "You got it. He said something about wanting to get out of his prison. Surely he's not actually being discharged today?," She queried.

"That man sustained a traumatic brain injury. Isn't it just a little premature. If you don't mind me asking, Doctor," She added hastily, not wanting to annoy a superior. Never mind that this superior was about 15 years younger than her.

Taehyung nodded. "I know, I know. It does seem pretty fast. But there's really nothing else that we can do here with him as an inpatient that he can't do on an outpatient basis. He's concerned about not having proper insurance coverage and how the costs would add up. Besides, he will be closely monitored in his new environment to ensure he doesn't experience any further after affects."

"Oh? And how will that be accomplished?," The nurse normally didn't pry too much into a patient's personal details; however, in the short time her patient had been under her care, she had grown fond of Jaemin, perhaps because he continued to remind her of one of her son's friends. As she looked to Dr. Kim for an explanation, she noticed to her surprise that he seemed a little uncomfortable as he responded to her inquiry.

"Actually, he's going to be staying with me." At her inquisitive look, he explained, "You remember Minho–Dr. Choi–my roommate?," At her affirmative nod, he continued. "Well, he took a transfer to a hospital in Ulsan, leaving me with an extra bedroom. I told Jamin he could stay with me for a few days until he can find some other accommodations. I didn't want him winding up in a homeless shelter or worse," He answered in his own defense. Looking at the nurse, however, he had a feeling she wasn't quite buying that story when he noticed her knowing smirk.

She smiled. "Uh, huh," she said cynically. "I guess it wouldn't have anything to do with his silky natural brown hair and light brown eyes now, would it? And the fact that he's cute as a mochi?,"

The doctor actually blushed a little, embarrassed. "I'm just trying to be a Good Human being," He insisted, although his explanation did sound a little lame. "And before you say something about patient/doctor relationships, after I discharge him today, he won't be my patient any longer."

"Right," She answered, smiling even wider now. She actually liked Dr. Kim, and was always worrying about him not spending any of his time on more enjoyable pursuits. Looks like he was maybe about to change that. "Well, in either case, better get in there pretty soon, because he's chomping at the bit to leave." She winked at the doctor as he rolled his eyes and nodded at her before he turned to walk toward his patient's room.

"Finally! About fucking time," An irritated Jimin greeted the doctor as he appeared in his doorway. Taehyung noticed that his patient was sitting cross-legged on the bed and had already changed into the street clothes he had been found in previously: a pain of beige chinos and a long-sleeved, v-neck navy blue shirt that set off his eyes. He couldn't help noticing that Jaemin's change in clothing from the drab hospital gown he had been forced to wear into more normal clothing was dramatic and very flattering on him.

"Well?," His rumination was interrupted by an inpatient inquiry from the bed. "When do I get to bust out of here?," He crossed his arms now to mimic his legs as he raised his eyebrows to await the doctor's response.

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