I'm Sorry

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**Weekly update! and thank you for you who votes and comments this story! What you guys did is what makes me continue too writes^^

Dongsan Medical Center-Dongsan-do, Daegu 56; Monday Morning

Jimin finally returned to the waiting area an hour later, feeling mentally exhausted from having to sit absolutely still for 45 minutes while they performed the MRI on his head. As he had lain prone inside the chamber, his mind kept playing back images, almost like it was a tape recorder. Side A was a recap of the past week as he recalled moments involving Taehyung-fixing dinner, taking the trip to Busan, talking with him on the couch, and being comforted by him after he had had a particularly intense nightmare.

Side B contained moments he had apparently had in the past with 'Jungkook'-eating with him at a diner, fucking on a couch, riding with him in a car, fucking in the shower, dancing with him, Standing in front of a painting with drink in their hand-that apparently is BEXO, making love and fucking in bed, standing beside him while they talked and drank at some type of party, fucking against a pole, and so on and so on. Although he still felt more like a spectator rather than a participant when he thought of 'Jungkook', one thing was crystal clear: obviously Jungkook was a very tactile person.

Even now, Jaemin found himself blushing at the images that had invaded his mind earlier. Right now, though, all those images were splintered fragments of his memory-bits and pieces of his past experiences, but not yet enough of the total picture to be able to put it completely together.

He sighed as a feeling of incompletion invaded his body. "I know that sigh," He heard someone say behind him, as Taehyung slowly walked up to join him and sit on an adjacent chair. "It's Jaemin's frustrated and impatient sigh," He teased gently, at last obtaining a slight smile from his friend in return.

"That predictable, am I? That's quite an accomplishment, considering I can't remember much. I'm sure in my past I was an extremely patient man," He insisted, knowing that neither Taehyung nor he believed one word of it. He twisted his face in distaste before the other man had a chance to counter that statement. "Never mind," He decided quickly. "Even I know that's most likely not the truth."

Taehyung grinned. "I didn't say a thing," He stated. "I didn't have to, actually."

"Have you heard anything?," Jaemin asked him anxiously.

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm afraid not," He said regretfully. "You would think being a doctor here would have some pull with the interpreting radiologist. He pretty much, though, told me to take a number and get in line. Asshole," He grumbled in irritation. "I've got a page in to Dr. Song to see if he can speed the guy up with the results, but he's in surgery right now so I haven't had a chance to speak with him yet." He studied his friend carefully for a few seconds. "You look tired. I take it the sedative didn't help much last night?,"

"Are you asking as my doctor or my friend?," Jaemin asked.

Taehyung smiled sympathetically. "Both, I guess," He confirmed.

"Well, it really doesn't matter, because the answer is still no," Jaemin admitted. "I slept for a little while, but the dreams kept waking me up. There's all these images racing through my mind, but it's just bits and pieces. Nothing still makes much sense."

"Well, I thought instead of you just waiting around here in the registration area, you'd prefer to go back to the apartment and wait. I've got a few minutes before I start my next rounds, so I can take you over there right now if you want."

Jaemin smiled appreciatively. "Yeah, you're right-I would prefer that," He decided, standing up slowly along with Taehyung. "Besides, I'd like to try working on that other canvas you brought me. I think if I put it on top of the kitchen table like I did the other day, I can still paint even with my one arm in the sling." Jaemin's flexible cast was currently nestled inside a sling to help keep it immobilized. It had been giving him twinges of pain on occasion, but thanks to the pain medication, presently it was proving to be more of a nuisance than anything.

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