What Do You Say, Jimin?

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**Hey! The Weekly Update!~

"No, Jungkook. I won't give up on us, either."

Those had to be the sweetest words Jungkook had ever heard. As Jimin smiled at him, even though it was merely a shadow of his usual, beaming trademark, Jungkook was content. He was satisfied for now. He had his partner back in his arms, alive, breathing, warm to his touch. 

No, he wasn't totally back to normal. But considering less than 24 hours ago he thought his partner was dead and he would never be able to gaze upon him again, much less hold him like this, it was enough for now. They would work on the rest of it—together.

As Jungkook returned Jimin's smile with one full of love and gratitude, he couldn't help pressing the lithe body back into his arms again, as his hands once more surrounded the other man in a protective cocoon.

Jimin hesitated only briefly before he, too, slowly, tentatively, wound his arms around the other's upper back, holding on tightly as he felt the taller man's heart beating wildly. His hands trembled at the intensity his body was feeling; his body was wired up and buzzing with the feelings the brunet was generating. His mind didn't quite recognize what the man meant to him yet, but somehow his body did.

Jungkook continued to relish the feel of his partner's body, warm, pliant and alive, as his long hands tenderly caressed the slender back; it was a journey so familiar and yet so new. He closed his eyes in sheer ecstasy for several seconds, just savoring the intense emotions flowing through him. As he eventually opened his eyes and peered over at the other man's soft hair, however, he glanced down at the coffee table and observed the subject of Jimin's partially-finished painting. He gasped quietly in delight and awe as he instantly recognized himself and their god-son; his body stiffened slightly enough, though, that Jimin noticed the change immediately.

The younger man pulled back a little from their embrace, concerned over the difference in the other man's body language. 

"What?," He asked worriedly, peering up at the other man. But as he stared at him, he noticed the brunet wasn't appearing upset; on the contrary, his face was radiant.

Jungkook smiled reassuringly, tenderly, at him. "It's nothing," He whispered, his voice choking. He never thought he would ever had the chance to see something new that Jimin had painted, let alone something like this.

"I—I just noticed what you've been painting," He explained, as the two turned their bodies together in unison to look down at the work in progress. "It's fantastic," Jungkook marveled in awe. "As always." Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off the candid, casual portrait of him and Jiwoon.

Jimin flushed at the compliment and the tender looks from the other man. Even though his memory was still cloudy, somehow he instinctively knew that Jungkook's opinion of his work was important to him. As Jungkook absentmindedly rubbed his thumbs lightly in circles on Jimin's upper arms, he inexplicably noticed Jimin's expression of puzzlement.

"What is it, Jimin?," Jungkook asked the other man pointedly, as he noticed his look of confusion. "Mmmm?," He murmured, as he pressed his cheek against the other man head.

Jimin turned his head to look up at the deep midnight eyes before returning his attention to the painting. "It's the little boy. I don't understand, Jungkook. When I paint him, he looks so much like you. But in one of my dreams, we were dancing together—some stupid, inane song, I don't even remember what it was—but he was calling me...Poppa." Jimin noticed the other man's reaction to that statement that Jungkook smiled broadly, almost proudly, as he nodded. Jimin narrowed his brows as he asked the brunet, "Is he my son?,"

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