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The lights were dimmed to nothing and the cabin was quiet apart from her 'luvy the guitar chick'.

She hummed. It was nice, soft, smooth and mind numbing which was exactly what I needed for sleep. The spy hole was enough for the eyes no more, her sunglasses still in place unfortunately. Hiding her, her emotions, the total hatred she seemed bent on fostering for poor innocent moi.

She rolled around and away, asleep, and I was handed the blanket, bloody attendants picking and choosing targets, I laid the blanket over luvy, checking her lips again, yep cupid really hit the spot on those, she was a woman not a girl. She wasn't a lightweight but softer, rounder, more to touch, more to hold but not too much, not for me, I quite like that sort of bod.

My bad habits rising again.

Yoko would allow it, Christ, she served May on a platter to me which, by way of deception, gave her full spying access to my goings on. I wonder what May will say when she realises I'm not back from the club as promised.

What's wrong with assessing the population, seeing tall short weird small fat or plain. I say it's an interest a hobby if you will.

Paul thought it mean and nasty, well when I reported my uncomplimentary reviews, that was...... although if the report was of a pretty buxom lass he was first in line to pick her up.

Sleep was eluding me and I wished she would wake just to get a sneer or grumble from her; her brunette locks tinged with shiny caramel highlights framed her face, her tight blue jeans and similarly tight white t-shirt alluring. 

She was basically shag-able despite the spite she tossed me. 

But no, I'm a grown up now and 30,000 feet isn't my modus operandi of sexual conquest anymore. Well not this flight anyway.

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