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I'm baking at midnight, how domestic of me.

The first batch will be bird food tomorrow, cupcakes that ended up looking like miniature Papa Giuseppe pizzas, the burn marks looking like lumps of ham scatter across the top. Did I mention flat, I could win frisbee contests with them.

The muffins are better I used the pack of blueberries and some chocolate from my stash, they better bloody be good, I don't like wasting chocolate!

I was just waiting for the bread dough to rise.

I'm pretty sure it will be destined for the brickworks to build some new castle in the highlands, probably an important cornerstone to a future king.

King Blah now tries to pull the sword out of this bread brick, arrrr, It's too hard the king laments.

Goodness I wish I could make shit up that forms lyrics as simply but king blah will have to stay in my warped mind, I can't see a top 500 hit in any of those words.

I like to tr-

"What ya cooking"

"Shit fucking hell why don't you scare me next time, I'll just go change my underwear and you head back to your lair, Cap"

My lord my beating heart, I held a hand over my chest and let my breathing take over... gasps, palpitations, gasps.

I need to calm down.

I'm going to hyperventilate if not, knees, yeah, head between knees, breath deep and slow. 

I managed to calm my heart from running out of my chest down the road as I recovered flopped on the couch..... The couch then sank from his weight as he sat beside me.

"This is quite good, bit chewy but the chocolate blueberry shit somehow saves it" Cappy, leans back and finishes the muffin as I watch from my hunched position, shaking my head every so often at the nerve of the guy.

"Your bread will be shit though" He looked over his shoulder at the bowl "Need to keep it warm. The yeast you know, needs warmth to rise"

"Can you leave now, my pleasant evening has now offically been ruined" I sat up, my face blotchy from the fast breathing and holding my breath.

"Thought I could help" He smiled through chocolate and blueberry laced teeth, disgusting "....assist"

"Plllleasssse. Though you could assist me....... by removing your body from my abode" I grabbed the guitar and decided to ignore him.

He moved into the kitchen, not far enough, but enough to give me some reprieve from his uninvited form.

As I strummed he hummed and as I changed the chords he followed, his humming was ok.

"Sing" Cappy requested "Please"

"I don't sing, that's my sisters domain"

"Come on just a bit for your old mate, Cappy" He leaned over the back of the couch and tugged at his beard and scratched his neck.

"Itchy is it"

"Hmmmmm" He walked back to the kitchen and placed my lump of off white dough in the oven with the door open.

"Why did you do that, won't all the heat escape?"

"I'm not cooking it, I'm proving it. Like I want you to prove yourself wrong and sing" He smiled as he tossed the tea-towel over his shoulder and preceded to wash up my muffin tin.

I gave up the fight and started the intro, mine was different to the finished product... the dangers of putting your babies in other people's hands.
Mine was a girl's voice, higher for the verse and on her own, and the fill of Cass and Michelle was missing. I slowed it down, bringing it back to the feeling of the morning I wrote it. The whole thing written in one go...

Got To Be Good-looking ('cause he's so hard to see)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن