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Ok so he is staying near here.

I hope he doesn't go there or.....

I will kick him everywhere.

Pretty aptly put if I do say so myself.

Decisions, decisions... get all hot and bothered that my nirvana has been hijacked by a guy in a fake beard with a baseball cap permanently stuck to his head OR forget all of the above - chill, relax, recoup and IGNORE said person.

Out of all the cliffs and all the cute whitewashed cottages in Scotland why 'o' why did he happen to be staying at the adjacent one to mine!

Heaven has turned on its head.

As I look skyward, rolling my eyes, I see Satan leaning on the Pearly gates, doubled over laughing.

The clod parked the car outside his door waving gaily for a second time as he proceeded to dump his litter in his box.

NO, I don't need this.

I need to stop and let myself relax before I blow a gasket.

Channelling... I try to attempt that silly meditation garbage... I feel peace and love attempting to float over me. Oh haha- not... ugh, now I can see Cass stood laughing alongside Satan.

I step through the doorway and my mouth drops. Everything inside is cute and dainty, light and airy.

A warm fire already alight, the door to the terrace is open beckoning me to visit.

The small terrace is overflowing with hanging baskets of colourful flowers, tulips wave hello from their beds and wildflowers meets the lawn that rings the house, cottage- sorry.

The cliff is far enough not to scare the bejeezers out of me but close enough to see the waves breaking in the surf and rocks further out and shimmering diamonds of water droplets wizzing skyward when a large wave tumbles in and crashes below on rocks below.

I wish I can stay forever and I haven't even been here five minutes.

The bedroom sits facing the cliff with a huge bay window. It calls me to sit, doze, dream; but no, I want to fall on the bed, the mountain of pillows so exquisite, the quilt a dreamy thick snuggly soft in an aquamarine wash of colour. Oh my goodness the sheets are like silk and the softest throw I've ever had the pleasure to wrap myself in, it's comfy and warm and mine, all mine.

It's all bliss and beauty and suddenly I'm an interior design lover that wants to take pictures and stick then on her rusted fridge in her pale dung brown apartment in LA.

My new best friend, the throw, accompanies me as I spy the kitchen.

A bowl piled high with fruit, the larder full, the fridge begging me to reach in and take from its overloaded shelves. Onto the bathroom and a bath deep enough to soak and sleep in has me feeling like running off to find my bath salts and oils.

I can't think.

What to do first?!

Eat, bathe, sleep, walk, run or write?!

I want to write!

I want to sit by the sea and let the pen flow ink as quickly as the waves repeat.

I want to write......Already.

It's amazing what new surroundings will d-

"Knock, knock" He rat-a-tat-tats.

I want to kill....

Damn it.

"This better be good!" I yell as I throw the door open.

No-one is there as I duck my head out and think myself mad, then a colour grabs my eye, a tulip sits upon the door mat.

All is forgotten as I pick up the flower sat all alone on the doormat. I smiled wide, I have to, no one's ever given me flowers, not one til now.

I dash into the kitchen with my little precious find and locate a little white china eggcup then busily fill it with tap water, tucking the tulip in to its new home.

How do I respond, do I respond? How do I react because I really don't want to show him the me currently sitting at the kitchen table all gooey and mush over one single flower?

I push up off the chair reluctantly and open the fridge instead.

I eat a ham sandwich wandering around the terrace touching this and that, feeling the textures, touching the petals, wondering about the bloom in the eggcup.

The old wheelbarrow sits, filled with dirt, covered in flowers, pansies all looking at me, beside the path to the beach.

I glance about....

His car is gone.

I'm alone.

I don't have to respond.. just yet.

I head back inside, fill the tub and soak away.

Soak away the trip, the days, the jetlag which was creeping into my bones. The soaking is gently lulling me to sleep, it's still early but I hit the silky sheets and sleep without hesitation.

Got To Be Good-looking ('cause he's so hard to see)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz