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Someone was yelling "Hey" but I know no one in Glasgow.

I ignored the noisy sod and made for the ever-growing line-up at the cab rank. There he goes again 'guitar' what? I glanced down at my hand, there's nothing wrong with my guitar, just that it's getting heavy.

The handle was wood but wrapped in wire then bundled in felt, that was how I bought it, but now the felt was all but gone and the metal was cold, sharp in places and just plain hard. Shifting hand's, I continued on, a lady beat me into the back of the cab of which I had the door open, and I swore.

She was worse than me though; letting launch with new words I hadn't yet heard of in my Edition of the Webster's Cussing Dictionary.

Note to self- pick up the latest edition.

Yes! finally a cab/ taxi/ whatever it is in England, sorry Scotland. The seas parted and I was graced with a cab just for me, no cussing women in sight. Well I could see me but I wasn't cussing, momentarily.

I have resigned myself to the fact that I will have to wait a day or two for a rental car. Cool my feet in a cheap motel in the lovely city of Glasgow. At least I'll get some sightseeing in.

The driver climbed out of his seat and seemed quite courteous, which is a definite plus as opposed to my run in, in LA, with that rude guy on the way to the airp-

"Hey, would you stop!" Cap guy arrived at my shoulder as I loaded my bag in the back seat along with my guitar.

"Ummm why would I, nobody is telling me to"

"I did, you bit- !!" He was going to have a go but halted his tongue, breathing deeply and doing some weird calm down technique like imagining doves or some rubbish, maybe cute rabbits dancing "OK, sorry. I called for you, you didn't hear?"

"Why would you call for me?" my perplexed face watched his, he was fidgeting and slightly bothered, I smiled to myself happily about whatever his predicament was.

"Oh just. Oh, it's nothing much. Just. Nah it's silly." Cap guy was weird, one minute direct and rude the next antsy and worried. He waved a hand like nothing was happening.

"Spit it ok would you, the cabbie's probably started the clock" I leaned in and pulled out my fags from the pocket of my duffle bag and lit one, and, just to annoy the plastic bearded bloke, blew a puff of smoke in his direction.

"Oh ok, you're sure? Don't want to finish wafting smoke in my face... then chat?" There he is- the bastard. "Sorry uncalled for. Anyway...."

"Miss, do you want the cab or not" The cab driver interjected, he was old, much too old to drive a cab legally I would think. His 'real' beard was white as snow and long, perhaps he's Santa working in the quiet times after the rush of Christmas.

"Wait will ya" I don't know why, but I wanted to hear what Cappy was going to say even if it was only a snide remark. "You. Speak" I pointed at Cappy who looked like I was round the twist.

"Right well that kindly clerk in the rental place mentioned that you were heading in the same direction as I. What a coincidence, hey!"

I stomped the cigarette out near his foot and wished I could maybe stomp his foot too, like a parting gift, from me to him.

"Anyway" He sighed, He SIGHED! "I noticed there wasn't another rental and you would miss out on getting to your obviously important destination. So here I am" Cappy stated matter of factly. His sunglasses slid down, in danger of completely falling off his straight nose. Hands flayed out to the side, like he was rescuing me from death by Glasgow.

"So, you are" I went to get in the cab and a hand held me from entering.

Now I don't mind touchy feely people when I know them, but a stranger....... "Remove your mitt, mate"

"Wait, ok. I'll give you a lift. A lift to Campbelltown" It jack hammered out of his mouth as he retrieved his hand from my shoulder, stunning me slightly with the contents.

"You and me! Drive together to Campbelltown!?! You do realise that's hours in a car, together, alone, no witnesses, do you not?"

"Sure, it'll be fun"

"Fun, right... and my name's-"

"Miss, the ride?!"

"Here, she doesn't need your services presently" Cappy had the audacity to rip my guitar and bag from the cab AND pay the guy five pound! The door closed behind me and he pushed past me with my gear.

"'Hey give me my stuff back!"

"I'm being a gentleman"

"Yea sure, luring me to your web of horror"

"Look" he spun round and I was clipped hard with the guitar case to the stomach "Sorry" Spinning again he marched off, on a quest to a vehicle, the tinkering bell awakening my mind to the fact that I had actually followed him all the way back into the damn rental shed. "There she is, mate. Give him your licence luvy then we'll be off then"

"Ok, so I give my licence and then what? I need to pay" I grabbed my case "What about the rental fees?"

"All paid for, perfect isn't it!" Cappy smirked and I suddenly wanted to wipe the smile off his face with a mallet.

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