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I thought I said something wrong but she quickly wrote a line or two and crawled back on my lap, dragging the blanket with her. Her journal not far now, it sat just beside her in the sand.

I found the other joint and held it out in front of us, her fingers trying to grasp for it while I kept whipping it away from her reach, she huffed and I could tell she was pouting.

She wiggled again and went to look back at me over her shoulder.

I had taken the itchy bastard off.. Without my beard on, I turned her head and kept her facing forward. She would flip for sure, and I just want us cosy and nice. She jiffled again and I felt stirring, real movement down below. Shit, I thought reefers usually gave me a soft co-


"Yeah..." I kissed her on the nape, her hair in my hands, the pretty perfume she wore was easy on the nose.

"Light the damn smoke" Clare never minces words. The laughter that bubbled within caught fire and we both giggled stupidly.

We shared, equally, this time. And she never tried to turn around, not once. Clare took my nuzzling and kisses around her neck like a greedy person, even leaning off to the side to open up her neck to my hand and lips.

"Close your eyes Clare.......Closed?" I risked I know. If she opened them I was doomed to major yelling for sure, I covered her eyes with a hand and the huff of indignation I got, made me grin "I'm turning you around, keep them closed"

"Aye Aye cappy" She giggled and I flipped her over so she lay along me in the sand and my fingers wanted to move, explore and discover new contours but I was stuck with a hand over her eyes. Another time I guess, for exploration.

"Not peeping?"


I kissed the side of her lips and she smiled, delighted. A dimple formed in her cheek I kissed her there too.

"You do nice kisses, Cap" she put a hand on her eyes, over my hand that lay there.

The first kiss should be a test, the second luck, third greed that you got the luck, and the rest....  desire.

Her kiss when I took it from her went straight into second and swiftly into third, greed took over as I pulled her closer to taste more, give more. Her hand traced my chin then I tipped my head to her and as much as I took she gave, equal in everything.

"This is pretty hot, not looking, cap. I'll tell you that.." She smiled waiting, I had stopped and her cheeks caught fire as she waited and waited and I watched as she fell from happiness into a sulky 'where's more' frown. "Cap? I'll peek in 3, 2, 1-"

Her lips of cupids bow were sweet and certainly knew their way around a man's mouth they held and teased and nipped, my mouth opened letting her in.. And I think I may have fallen a little more for her, as she took my hand away, humming to herself as she climbed higher to curve herself into me.

Still her eyes were closed.

When the high wore off, we still kissed, when the fire dipped to embers we kissed, when we saved the blanket from the sand we kissed some more and when I refreshed the fire we slept, right there on the sand.

I woke first, disorientated and confused, the waves crashed still, but a little closer with the tide and then I remembered kisses.

I felt weight, her weight half on half off me and the blanket pulled to her chin. I found my beard and reapplied, soon I guess I would have to show myself. But this was ok, 'cause she liked Cappy not Lennon, well I think she likes the idiot that annoyed her and fixed her dough and through bottles of booze at her. That doesn't sound right but I know what I mean. She likes me.

She's told me heaps though, to the nothing of what I've told her, it's not fair at all. I need to give her something.. a hint, an idea of what she had kissed.

What- a married man.... Soon to be divorced.

What- a horrid father.

What- a washed up musician.

What- a guy that tossed his friends away.

I'm hoping the who I am might charm her but the what I am may make her run and hide.

It is bloody bright and warm, a tiny crab is digging a new home by my shoulder and a seagull is looking at me, all beady eyes and a beak that looks like it could take a man's eye in seconds.

I'm supposed to go to Maccas tonight, I should ask Clare to come, but how do I forewarn Paul and Linda that I'm incognito and what about Linda and Paul anyway. I know Linda has a moustache but I doubt she would be happy wearing a fake one too- ha! Paul would be ok with it, he'd get a kick out of playing hide and go seek with the unsuspecting Clare, would she like him more with his beard on too though?

Maybe she goes for beards, likes the scruffy kind. Likes crumbs in the whiskers after breakfast.

What if I took the disguise off and she did a mini throw up motion like I was that ugly she was sick.

What if I revealed with Paul beside me...

She could be a Macca fan and fawn over him, like fucking usual.

I was second in the race with him always. The girls, the kids, the granny's, always pinching or kissing his cheeks, or lower, in the case of  many, many women in days gone by. All saying he was the cute one.

I stirred the sleeping woman and the look she awoke with was as confused as mine, the memory of last night covered her face with a warm rose blush from her shoulder to cheeks.

She smiled- good sign.

She jumped up and gathered up the night's mess like a madwoman possessed- bad sign.

She halted a few feet away after she had started to walked off, then turned back and brushed her lips over my hairy cheek. Brushing fingers over her lips to rid the feeling of hairy beard, that tickled her cupid lips, away.

Nope...she doesn't like bearded men.

I think we both must have slept the day away as there was no sign of her when I went to the shop for smokes or even on my return around 2p.m. Her door was shut and I had noticed during the day she always had it open.

Better not mention going to Maccas, thats shits much too complicated. 

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