Signs at Christmas

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Play: Signs at Christmas 

Aries: *rages up filled with excitement* GIVE ME MY PRESENTS

Taurus: *is already opening their presents after Santa dropped the presents* (Omg me, lol)

Gemini: *just noticed that Santa isn't real and is now questioning how tf does he get down the chimney when we don't even have a chimney*

Cancer: *still wrapping late gifts*

Leo: *recording the reactions*

Virgo: *secretly loving the aesthetic of the Christmas Tree and the Wrapped Presents below it and is secretly deciding over if they should post it in Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr*

Libra: *tricks the kids by wrapping a box that has nothing inside it and gives it off to them* hahahahahahaha, omg I am in danger now

Scorpio: *people forgot to bring them gifts so they just sit there staring at the people and making them feel uncomfortable*

Sagittarius: *has all the gifts*

Capricorn: *only got some money and some Holiday Socks, and sarcastically saying that everyone's gifts look awesome*

Aquarius: *knocked the Christmas Tree over because they were so excited*

Pisces: *is loving their gifts even if they only got some gift cards, t-shirts, money, and some other stuff*

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