Power in Each Element

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Power in Each Element

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Their power is Dependability.

Earth Signs are gifted people. Giving everyone a "stable rock" to be on, when you are overwhelmed, or when you are sad, they are very patient people and will always be there by your side. Out of the whole Zodiac Signs, these people are the most loyal.

The Signs that need them the most are Water Signs. They crave the patience and "a rock" they can ground themselves on. They also need help with finances, as Earth Signs are very preservative, Water Signs, well, not so much. (Except for Cancer, they know how to ground their selves SOMETIMES) Water Signs also need someone who will stick up with them, are loyal, and are patient enough when Water Signs are at their stormiest times. No other signs will do these except for the Earth Signs.


Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Their power is Communication.

No other signs in the Zodiac LOVE to talk than these windy Air Signs. The Signs that gives you Knowledge and Lessons, they have a lot to tell you. They are quite patient, usually, and are people pleasers, again, usually. They can also be quite shy and impulsive, but that is hidden in their forever changing indecisive nature.

The Signs that need them the most are the Fire Signs. The Fire Signs need someone that is at least patient enough and will listen to them. Air Signs give Fire Signs the sense of being calm and being serene. Fire Signs need someone that isn't dreamy and emotional as they are already, they need someone who is focused and someone that will be with them through thick and thin. Air Signs are able to do this, just as long as Fire Signs don't become too aggressive towards them.


Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Their power is Enthusiasm.

Fire Signs are happy, adventurous, curious people. Quite emotional, and quite feisty, these signs are not the ones who will stay at home and watch television, they love to move and work. They also love to cheer people up, they like to see everyone happy, feel great, and in turn, that makes them feel happy.

The Signs that need them the most are the Air Signs. Air Signs are quite unemotional and bored, always living the same, boring routines. Fire Signs are able to switch up their schedules just a tad bit, giving them some excitement, and some emotional stability they need. Air Signs need someone who will give them some mind games and take them to places that they have never imagined they can ever go to. Fire Signs are able to do this, just as long as Air Signs doesn't press the 'Wrong Button.'


Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Their power is Love.

Water Signs are as refreshing and as caring as long as they want. Very kind, very nurturing, you will be very lucky to have them in your life. They are sweet, outgoing, calm people that will instinctively know what you are up to. They like to "go with the flow."

The Signs that need them the most are the Earth Signs. They cannot reach emotional depths, as Earth Signs are emotional, they just prefer to hide it deep inside them until someone that is capable of taking it out, they will feel much better. They also need someone who will spice up their routine, always working, always focused, always determined, Earth Signs do not have any time to laugh, or be with someone, and Water Signs really just know how to brighten up their day. Earth Signs like that the Water Signs are emotional, because they themselves need someone who will cry with them. Earth Signs also need someone who is caring, nurturing, and compassionate, and that is all what Water Signs are happily offering.


Yeah most Loyal *Puts hands in the air*

I like to hide my feelings... because... yeah idk 😂

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