Not Likely To Make First Move

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Signs NOT likely to make the first move (Look at Moon Sign Too)

Gemini - their flirty attitude is a part of their personality, but when they do like someone they can be very unsure of what to do, what to feel and all in all afraid to fall in love and commit, not only because of the possibility of boredom in the relationship but their own freedom

Virgo - they are never sure if someone likes them back so they would wait forever for the other person to show(in a very obvious way) that they like them. But no, they will act like a friend even if they are head over heels for you.

Scorpio - although described as very persuasive, they are scared of feelings and would never admit them untill you have their full trust. They are scared to be in love because of their fear of betrayal and aren't likely to tell you they like you,

Capricorn - very restricted in a lot of areas in their life including love, so if they think you won't be worth it for the long term they probably won't initiate anything.

Aquarius- just like the other air signs they can be flirtatious, but in a charming and not romantic way (you could call it being kind and friendly). if they like you, they could make it obvious but don't expect a date soon because they might have changed their mind

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