Ultimate Soul Mates

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The Ultimate SOUL MATES

Each sign has a soul mate. Some are combined by means of their oppositions, some by means of their similarities, but they are the absolutely perfect match for each other. It generally considers the SUN sign.


"Red & White" - ARIES & LIBRA

Both of them absolutely need that collision of opposites! The balanced and calm Libras need more drive in their life and so they are attracted to the restless, emotional and forceful Aries. Also, Libra is Venus ruling, so their sexuality is quite strong but reduced by their peaceful and quiet personality. So they seek for someone to open up their hidden desires and no one would do it better than the Mars ruling Aries.

This is a couple where both of the lovers are ready for new experiences and changes for the better. Even though Aries is incredibly stubborn, they get naturally cooled and matured by the help of the wise Air sign. Libra on their part, becomes more entertaining and free. As art lovers, they are ready for adventures that the crazy Aries is bringing into their life.

"Once and For All" - TAURUS & CAPRICORN

They are unchangeable and having a hard time accepting anything unfamiliar, but why should they learn to get along with someone they don't feel comfortable with if they can be together? These are probably the 2 most similar signs in the horoscope and they make a perfect match. They have the same values & priorities, the same intentions and beliefs, they will support and understand each other entirely. One of the reasons for this perfect compatibility is that they have both, separately, fully complete personalities. They are able to have a great time being alone for the simple reason that they don't need an opposite to get completed. Both of the signs are likely to fall for the other's flaws, the flaws they are familiar with. Finding similar traits in each other is what they do best and it's what keeps them together. They will make one of those couples that are just meant to be, together, they are capable of anything. Their stubbornness and their melancholic view on life might make them argue a lot, but their love is too deep for them to be apart.


They are completely on the same level. They get bored of anything constate, any routine, they can't sit still, always moving forward. This clot of energy isn't for everyone to handle, but perfect for each other! This is the couple who might end up travelling in a van all around the world, raising children on the road, and won't stop until they've seen everything. They are made to be wild together! Partying, living their lives to the fullest in every way. Gemini is the mind in this couple, though. It's usually the one who has a higher salary, a more stressful job and is the boss in the family. Sagittarius is totally cool with that, though, they aren't seeking control, they are there to enjoy every second. Their love is strong, passionate but yet so peaceful and spontaneous.

"Inseparable Dreams" - CANCER & VIRGO

Even though Virgos aren't too romantic themselves, they like to absorb the tenderness and the open love that Cancers are ready to give. If a Virgo feels cherished, adored and appreciated, they will give the double of it back! This is a couple that will improve each other's self-esteem, which both of them absolutely need. Completing each other, the Cancer becomes stronger emotionally and the Virgo outspoken and finally dares to open up. This is a love that won't fade easily, won't get destroyed by small, insignificant complications, it's stronger than that since the partners depend on each other on a spiritual level. They might seem too attached and even grown one into another, but they are completely glad about it, they need each other more than they need anyone.

"Two Sides Of The Same Coin" - LEO & AQUARIUS

This couple is the definition of the famous saying "they are like two sides of the same coin." They are very different at first sight, the Leo seems confident and outspoken, while the Aquarius is rather calm and shy, in fact, they are the same if you get to know them. The, so often artificial, Leo confidence turns into an incredibly generous love, care and harmony and the Aquarius' timidity fades, they become open, talkative and a passionate. They hold each other so dear, they feel so fascinated by the fact that they are together, that they completely forget about everyone around. They can't get enough of each other sexually and communicatively, they suddenly become affectionate and stop being attracted to many people at once, as they were used to be, because both of them finally feel like they've found what they needed most. A gorgeous couple worth admiring, and the main thing is, they know exactly how to make their partner look good!

"The Domination Game" - SCORPIO & PISCES

These two are about opposites attracting. Even though they are both Water signs, I don't know any other personalities as different as this couple. Not many people are ready to put up with the amount of emotions a Scorpio gives their partner. Intense love, hypersexuality, jealousy, impulsive hysterias. But this looks good for a Pisces. They are flattered of the attention they get, they enjoy the emotionality and know how to calm their lover. On the other side, the quite passive, patient and nonviolent Pisces doesn't seem boring to a Scorpio at all. They love the fact of domination and full control they have over the adaptable Pisces, basically no one is standing in their way to live the life they want to. Which is perfect for the indecisive Pisces. They are also compatible sexually, their intimate life reflects their public one. And finally about their similarities: the sensibility and intensity of love Water signs are feeling, especially for each other, is beyond compare!

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