Kind of People you Respect

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What Kinds of People Do The Zodiac Signs Respect?

Aries: People who give their all and don't dwell on what has already passed

Taurus: People who are good with their hands, empathetic people

Gemini: Honest people, people who are willing to be affectionate in public and aren't embarrassed about relationships with family/friends/lovers

Cancer: People who are steady and can bare emotional weight, people who can lead others when needed without restricting others

Leo: People who can stick up for themselves and won't let everyone walk over them

Virgo: Mature people, people who aren't frivolous and are good at dealing with money, responsible people

Libra: People who speak, dress, and act with class, people who are willing to open up instead of clamming up because they aren't comfortable

Scorpio: People who are willing to share the more private parts of themselves, devoted people

Sagittarius: People willing to learn and accept that they don't know everything, people who make their own fun when they get bored

Capricorn: Sympathetic people who understand emotions, people who work for status rather than just taking it

Aquarius: People who are tolerant of all kinds of views while sticking up for their own

Pisces: Protective people who can stick up for themselves and their family/friends/lovers

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