On The Bus

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Aries: *uses this as gossip hour with their friends*

Taurus: *stares out the window the whole time* (This is me 😂)

Gemini: *hates every fucking minute of it and wants to die* (Seems Legit)

Cancer: *listens to sad songs and gets in their feelings*

Leo: *sits in the front to avoid everyone*

Virgo: *is playing some game on their phone*

Libra: *is that kid who blows up a condom randomly and tosses it around*

Scorpio: *writes and brainstorms random stuff in their journal even though every bump makes them fly across the entire bus*

Sagittarius: *is screaming across the bus and being obnoxious*

Capricorn: *gets in a fight with someone*

Aquarius: *hates public transportation so they walk instead*

Pisces: *takes a bomb ass nap*

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