Date Ideas

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Date Ideas for the Signs

Aries: Drives to the city. Be spontaneous, go crazy! Show them how much fun you're having and eat lots of food

Taurus: Cute little coffee shops and parks. Take lots of aesthetic pictures and tell them how you cute the pictures are

Gemini: Lazer tag (they're really good at it) Eat lots of weird cool food after and talk lots

Cancer: Water balloon fight and pizza afterwards. Movies at home. Blanket forts. Staying up til dawn talking

Leo: The beach. Picnics on hot sand, and drowning each other in cold water. Show each other off because y'all know you're hot

Virgo: Star gazing. Lay a blanket out with lots of food. Talk and laugh endlessly about anything and everything

Libra: Dog park. Play with dogs even though you don't have any on your own. Rename them and come up with sneaky plans to steal them

Scorpio: Make food and bake goods at home. Throw flour at each other. Drink hot chocolate and cuddle while waiting to eat your chocolate chip cookies

Sagittarius: Art museum. Take pictures of each other, and post on ig with the caption "s/he's the real art (;"

Capricorn: Attempt to break guinness world records. Stuff as many marshmallows as you can in your mouth, see who can keep their eyes open the longest. Then do fun stuff with the extra material afterwards

Aquarius: Road trip. Buy cool souvenirs and stay in shady hotels because you can't afford a nice hotel yet. Take pictures of moments, not things

Pisces: Take a nap together. Wake up smiling groggily in each others faces. Then blast music and make breakfast together

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