Running Into The Law

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Aries: *fakes a heart attack even though their only 17*

Taurus: *opens glove box to get license and all their weed falls out* (...well shit)

Gemini: *keeps being suspicious and stutters for no reason*

Cancer: *begins balling their eyes out over a speeding ticket*

Leo: *tries to remain calm but is internally freaking the fuck out*

Virgo: *thinks about every other bad thing they've ever done in life and gets terrified that the cop might somehow know*

Libra: *finesses the system and gets away with what they did*

Scorpio: *rolls eyes because this is their third run in with the law... this week*

Sagittarius: *runs and gets tackled HARD*

Capricorn: *everything goes well until the officer hears their hostage scream in the trunk*

Aquarius: *pushes up their breasts, pops a mint,and redoes their makeup while the cop approaches their car*

Pisces: *doesn't know what to do and has a bunch of mini spasms*

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