How The Signs Look When They're Asleep

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How The Signs Look When They're Asleep

Aries: They look stone dead, no joke (This is true... I don't watch my mom sleep or anything.)

Taurus: So Cute (Umm, Sure, I guess.)

Gemini: Look like they having the best dream ever (I bet they're dreaming about penguins.)

Cancer: They manage to look sad, even in their sleep (I can believe that.)

Leo: Peaceful

Virgo: Relaxed, but if you touch them then you 'bout to get knocked out (...I can believe that.)

Libra: They look mad af

Scorpio: Don't you dare touch them (Exactly why I don't wake up my brother for anything.)

Sagittarius: They look super adorable tbh

Capricorn: Cutest thing ever (...My best friend? You sure? Probably, idk.)

Aquarius: Same as Virgo

Pisces: They manage to look hot in their sleep?? (Da fudge?! Lol)

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