As Mistakes

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The signs as mistakes

Aries: Hoping for a miracle to happen.

Taurus: try to get everyone to like you.

Gemini: Doing drugs. 

Cancer: Telling secrets and regretting it afterwards.

Leo: Being on your phone too much and waking into a tree.

Virgo: Trying to appear strong although you aren't.

Libra: Eliminating your feelings.

Scorpio: Trusting wrong people.

Sagittarius: Forgetting about time and missing an important appointment.

Capricorn: Taking things too seriously and forgetting to take a break.

Aquarius: chasing after wrong person.

Pisces: Not being able to make up your mind and decide what you want.

Zodiac Signs (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon