As Contradictions

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The Signs as Contradictions

Aries: bold but soft - the delicate fighter

Taurus: loves you, but also loves them - the finicky sweetheart

Gemini: outspoken but awkward - the extrovert that chokes

Cancer: emotional but strong - the angry crier

Leo: generous but manipulative - the circumstantial giver

Virgo: introvert but outgoing - the shy kid with many friends

Libra: peace maker but rebellious - the adventurer that calls their parents

Scorpio: stoic but loving - the straight faced responder

Sagittarius: hardworking but lackadaisical - the determined procrastinator

Capricorn: shy but show offy - the outspoken introvert

Aquarius: silly but responsible - the straight A'd class clown

Pisces: free spirited but orderly - the goal oriented wanderer

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