Aka The Zodiac Signs

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Aka The Zodiac Signs

Aries aka intensely independent person who needs somebody

Taurus aka the extremely slow person who seems to magically get everything done (Whaaat? Psh no, I'm not slow *Slowly hides my computer which has a bunch of unfinished written stories*)

Gemini aka the person you think is an idiot, but actually a damn genius

Cancer aka the angel who has this perception that they're a piece of shit

Leo aka the person that just needs the simple things to make them happy

Virgo aka the chill looking person who is absolutely not chill in the inside 

Libra aka eternal 7th grader who wants to be a model

Scorpio aka the person you think is an angry demon, but is actually just irritated 

Sagittarius aka the rockstar who wants the whole world

Capricorn aka the ultimate mysterious person you want to have sex with (Da fudge)

Aquarius aka the true rebel without a reason

Pisces aka spiritually intelligent person who's stuck in the stupid physical realm

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