How To Know The Signs Like You

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How To Know The Signs Like You

Aries: Aries is impulsive, spontaneous. So if an Aries is trying to Pursue you, they will be impulsive and spontaneous. They will do anything to get you wrapped around their finger! They will talk to you a lot, BE VERY FLIRTY, adventurous, playful and passionate.

Taurus: Sensual, possessive, touchy. Three words that describe a Taurus. Watch out for them being touchy, and getting overly jealous about you being with someone else. (Well I don't like anyone sooo)

Gemini: Like every air sign, their most powerful tool is their wonderful ability to communicate. A Gemini will most likely pursue you by impressing you with their charming witty conversations. Geminis are often very flirty so I think it will be quite obvious when a Gemini likes you!!

Cancer: A Cancer is seriously the cutest thing when they're trying to get the attention from who they like!! And if you ask me, it's pretty obvious when they like someone. So, if a Cancer is trying to pursue you, they will most likely be protective and VERY caring of you.

Leo: A Leo will be a bit flirty! You might even notice them trying to impress you/get your attention. They'll also be very caring and affectionate with you.

Virgo: Virgos are shy and not so spontaneous so a Virgo will most likely pursue kind of in a slow, patient way. They won't tell you "I love you" or "I like you" right away, they also probably won't start being very flirty with you right away, they'll take their time. They'll slowly win your heart by listening to you, giving you advice and caring for you.

Libra: Libras are very cute and extremely charming when trying to get a special someone's attention. Libras are very social and nice so they'll talk to you a lot and try to impress you.

Scorpio: Scorpios are very sensual and intense, so if a Scorpio is very "deep" and possessive with you, that's a great sign they are trying to pursue you.

Sagittarius: When a Sagittarius is trying to get your attention they will be flirty *BE CAREFUL WITH THIS* from what I've noticed, Sagittarius is flirty and friendly with everyone so this makes it a bit difficult to know when a Sagittarius is interested in you so, if they're more clingy than usual, flirty and get jealous when they see you with someone else then those are great signs.

Capricorn: Uhh, Capricorns are a bit cold. Not so affectionate, and it's also a bit hard to know when they're interested because they really aren't the romantic, flirty type. But, if a Capricorn is interested they'll really make an effort to talk to you and impress you with their wit and humor.

Aquarius: If an Aquarius likes you, they'll try to impress you with their communication skills and their wit. They'll do their best to get your attention with their charm and many subjects to talk about.

Pisces: Aw, these cuties are surprisingly a bit flirty! So, if a Pisces likes you they'll be flirty with you and seem a bit nervous while they're at it. They can also be very affectionate and clingy. 


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