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{A/N Please listen to the song}
Eve's POV
 I was drinking my water when i felt a very bad feeling 'Guys i don't have a good feeling' i told them they looked at me in confusion in their eyes i sighed and shrugged it off 'Would Eve Oliviah please report to the main doors' the principals voice rung over the PA system i walked out and went there what i saw was something i never wanted to see. There laid my mom on the ground not sure of what was happening i ran over and checked if she had a pulse She was gone just like the wind. I knew she didnt want to go this way but what else could she do right? i looked around her body and saw a little note that was tucked into the pocket of her pants i slowly pulled it out 

                                   Im still here bitch, and i have eyes on everything


Who was D and how did i know her? the only person who i knew with the name was Diana  and she was my late sister meaning she was dead or maybe she wasn't. I grabbed my phone and was about to call my dad when a slight ping sound came from my phone i looked at it and it was from an unknown number. Who did i know that i didn't have the number of? i sighed and looked at it and it could have not gotten any worse. The text had said "Dead girls walking, You tell and i kill ;)' i couldn't tell anyone about what i had. this wasn't how i planned my day to go i sighed and hugged my mom calming myself down even though she was gone. I kissed her head and the police came as well as the people who take the dead body way. I watched at they took her pale corpse not using to seeing such pale skin. I shed a few tears and one of the police officers came over and started questioning me, i didn't even feel like being in school anymore all i wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry and not come outta my room. Not only was my mom stripped away from me but so was a piece of me. School came to an end and i walked home not before picking my little sister Annie up from Kindergarten i got to her school and went into her classroom and saw her sitting in the corner crying. I quickly ran over and hugged her "What happened" i asked the teacher who was sitting beside Annie 'Annie heard about her mother and she was okay at first and then some boy came and told her 'at least i have a mom all you have is a good for nothing father' i have contacted his parents and they are dealing with it' i only nodded turning my head back to Annie and picking her up and walking home. In the middle of my walk it started to rain. Just great. I held Annie close to me and hid her from the rain, i finally got home and Annie was asleep. I put her down in my bedroom since she always liked sleeping with me in my bed and then went downstairs to fall into waiting for my mother to come home but then i remembered that She would never come home again.

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