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Eve Oliviah

I was still in Parker's Room talking to Nishtha he however was still asleep and when Nishtha had to go i went back to admiring him. I'd realized i've yet to see him smile it was a crazy thing but it was true. I saw his stirring and quickly layed down completely and had pretended to be asleep.
Alpha Parker's POV
I woke up feeling eyes on me but when i opened my eyes there was no one here. I looked at Eve who was laying on the bed asleep man was she a beauty, She had long brown hair that went down to about her hips she was brown -Like Nishtha coloured brown- no doubt that they are the same ethnicity. I made my way over to the bed and sat on one side, I let my hand run down her face and cup her cheek. I watched as her lips formed a little smile. She was like a kitten when she was asleep, Delicate and cute. I had to stay with Eve for awhile so i decided to get some actual sleep. I layed down beside her and got comfortable and pulled her closer to me and kissed her head. I closed my eyes and let myself go back to sleep.
Eve Oliviah
i opened my eyes when parker has fallen asleep and i saw what position i was in. I was cuddling him and i didn't even mind it i liked it actually. I kept my head on his shoulder and looked around his room. Family photos in most places photos of him when he was little in other places i yawned and looked at Parker again he was more handsome up close. I started tracing circles on his chest because i had gotten bored after awhile i got even more bored so i fell asleep. I woke up 2 hours later and layed there i looked around the room i had been shifted into Alpha's room and then my eyes fell down to Parker who's raven black hair was all over the place his high cheek bones showing off in all his glory.I turned over and thought about Annie who must've been having a good time with her new friends. I wonder if she forgot about me or if she still kept me in her thoughts. She was young and happy and thats all that mattered. i sighed and went back to sleep after awhile not caring what the world had to offer. Right now i wanted to bein my mates arms before he would push me away again.

Alpha Ace {Under heavy Editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora