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Eve Oliviah

When i awoke Parker was beside me i heard the shower go off and my phone made a ping noise beside me. Someone text me i thought i looked at the messed and what it said truly had scared me 

'Lots of people will be getting hurt because of you -D'

that's all that was there and i was truly scared i didn't know what to say it even do. I could tell parker Wait No he wouldn't care because he's the one who put me in the cell for the last 2 months or so. 'Hey' was all parker said and i gave a light smile and walk past him to go take a shower. All i could think about was what that person had texted me, What did they mean. I got out of my shower and Parker was no where to be found. I let out a huff and went to the kitchen and saw him sitting there talking to his friends of course he would be here and not waiting for me, but that wasn't what bothered me. What had bothered me was the fact that there was a red head sitting on his lap and he has his hand on her back. I sighed and sat down and one of the other tables and an omega named Jaylen came and sat beside me 'Hey' she looked at me and smiled 'Hi i'm Eve' i let out a soft smile and she responded with 'Hi eve i'm Jaylen nice to meet you' i smiled and started eating and decided to ask Jaylen 'So what's the deal with the alpha and the red head?' She sighed and rolled her eyes 'Alpha has no hope in finding his own mate so he just choose the sluttiest person person in this pack' i rolled my eyes and looked at him and he looked right at me and then kissed the red head. Since our bond was getting stronger         -Because we had slept in the same bed- i could feel the pain and i was clutching my fork to the point where my knuckles had turned white. i excused myself and went to go upstairs but the pain got too much, i let out a scream and then darkness has come over me

a/n; this update came a month late and i'm super sorry, i've busy with weddings and stuff so i haven't gotten to update much but from now on i'm gonna try my best to update :)

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