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Edited and made longer

Eve Oliviah

2nd night in the cells.

The pain came back, and it stayed for awhile.

The pain had faded away and i was thankful for it. It was the most unbearable pain i had felt and it didn't help when i had thought of him the alpha. I wanted to cry i was scared that the pain was going to come back and get worse, i didn't want this at all. I stayed looking at my feet when a guard had came in to give me my food except it wasn't a guard it was the Beta's mate who's name i could barely remember all i know was it started with an N. "here's your food i'm sorry that the asshat of an Alpha is treating you like this specially because your his mate" i only shrugged and sat there for a bit. "Well i'm Nishtha in case you don't remember" oh that was her name. "i'm Eve" i only whispered not having any strength to say anything else. She nodded and i heard the lowest most possessive growl i could hear. I knew it wasn't anything good so i backed away the i saw the Beta who's name i didn't know yet. 'What are you doing down here Nishtha?' he asked her with an intense glare at me. 'i was just giving Eve her food i don't see a problem in that' she explained "A problem? Let me tell you that you aren't allowed to see HER because the only reason why she's here is because her pack was destroyed nothing left of it besides dead people with dead memories." I was taken back he did'.t know what i was to the Alpha. I looked at him unsure of what to say no words were coming out of my mouth and all i wanted to do was disappear. i could see a little beam of sunlight seeping through the hole and i heard giggling and it was Annie's once again i was satisfied with her being happy. I cowerd back into my cell and hugged my legs while shedding tears 'Eat your food okay?' I only nodded and slowly ate my food eating the mush and sighed. I thought about what life could be if i wasn't rejected and thrown in this cell. i thought about that show i had watch on Netflix called 13 reasons why and how Hannah didnt deserve what she had. I though about Riverdale and what was gonna happen to Archie's father. i sat there thinking about what was going to happen to me. Maybe i was gonna actually end up dying.

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