I Wont Give Up-Song Preference

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When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise

Today you were siting in your room with Michael. He was your best friend and you loved spending time with. But some times you wanted more. He was amazing in more ways than one and that was something about his eyes that made him more special.

"You have really amazing eyes Mikey" you said to him and he just laughed at you.

"No really I am being so serious. It's like watching a night sky or a beautiful sunrise. I think your eyes, much like the rest of you, is pretty much perfect" you admitted and he stopped laughing and looked at you dead serious. You were beginning to regret what you had just said. You looked at the window in embarrassment.

"My eyes might be amazing but they are nothing compared to your perfect personality" he said touching our face gently with his fingers. You looked at him and he smiled at you.

"Michael I have a confession to make to you. I have been in love with you for about as long as I've known you. I find you and everything about you amazing and I am not going to watch you date another girl without you knowing that" you vowed and that was when he stood up and walked over to you. He took your hands in his and pulled you off the couch and put his hands on your bum.

"Jump" he said in your ear. You did as he asked and he lifted you off the ground. You put his face in your hands and began to kiss him. He sat down where you had been and you straddled him still making out. You both pulled away to take a breath and his eyes looked different because now they were filled with lust.

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

Ashton and you hadn't been having the greatest relationship for the past month or so. You thought that he was the love of your life and didn't want to lose him. You were willing to do anything to keep him at your side. He was beginning to scare you when you fought. You would always try and keep the situation calm but he was making it so hard. He would get upset with you for the silliest reasons and you were starting to seconds guess everything in your life.

"What the hell is your problem. All you do is sit there and watch television. I am in the studio all day and I have to come home to a mess" he yelled at you. The apartment was not a mess and the fact that he was yelling at you for sitting down made you upset. You had hair finished doing all his laundry and were taking a break.

"Sorry Ashton. I just finished all the laundry and wanted to take a break for a minute" you stood up for yourself.

"Are you stupid. Doing laundry shouldn't make you tired" he yelled again. You were now fighting back tears.

"Ashton I am doing everything I can to stay with you. I love you and having you yell at me every time you get home hurts me. I promised that I wouldn't give up in us not matter how rough out relationship might be. You aren't doing the same thing though. You really don't seem to care" you cried and he stood there with a shocked expression on his face. You turned around and started to walk to your room so that you wouldn't cry in front of him.
"Babe wait a second. I though you were going to end this relationship. You looked so unhappy and I couldn't figure out why" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you into a hug.

"Ashton are you stupid. I've been upset cause you have been upset. It is so hard to see you hurt and it hurts me" you said and be hugged you tighter.

"I love you cupcake" he said bringing you to your bedroom to go to sleep.

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

Lately Calum had been more distant than usual. You couldn't figure out why but you were ready for anything. He was on his was home and when he arrived he didn't speak a word to you. He went strait to your shared room. At nigh he wouldn't hold you are kiss you and you missed his affection. You headed to the room cause you wanted to speak with him.

"Hey babe would you mind if I talked to you" you said popping you head I the door.

"Sure. Go ahead and talk" he said looking at his feet I the floor of the bed.

"I know that you need your space ad everything and I want to give it to you. I think I have been doing pretty good considering this is the first time we have talked in a long time but I am fine with that. I just wanted you to know that I will always be here waiting to see what you have found. But I also want you to know that I love you" you said and turned around to leave him alone.

"Babe can you come here please" he called after you just before you got to the stairs. You went to the room and stood by the door.

"Yes Calum" you said and he motioned you over to him. He took you hand and say you beside him.

"I have been a really bad boyfriend to my amazing girlfriend and I am so sorry for that. I want you to know how grateful I am of your trust in me. I love you for the fact that you an take all my bullshit. I've figured out what I've been so scared of" he said to you holding your hand.

"And what's that baby" you asked him.

"I figured out that I am in love with you more than I think humanly possible. I know that might sound silly because of how distant I've been but I realized that it hurts too much to be away from you. I want you to never leave me" he said and you kissed him.


Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake

You and Luke and grown up so differently. You had grown up in a different country with not the greatest parents. He was born with the most amazing talent and he was very good looking as well. You and Luke were nothing alike in the way you were brought up but that made your relationship stronger.

"Babe. How come we never talk about you family" Luke asked you while you were sitting on the couch with him. You had never told him about your mother.

"How come I have never met you biological mother" he asked.

"Well Luke I haven't spoken to my mum for years now. This is really embarrassing but she was abusive. One day I had enough of her bullshit so I left with out telling her. I went to my dads an never came back. That's why I love being around your family. I love the way they are with each other. It was something I've always wanted and being with you made it come true" you confessed to him.

"I guess us being so different was a good thing. We bring out the best in each other you know that right. I mean you wouldn't be the way you are with them if you were raised with something like that. And you not being raised like me made me realize how lucky and grateful I am and should be to have them" he said pulling you into a hug. You both sat thee for a minute.

"Teach me Luke" you said and he looked at you confused.

"Teach you what baby girl" he asked you giggling.

"Teach me how to play guitar" you said and he laughed at you. He took you hand pulling you to his music room. Lucky for you, you were a natural. When you said that you had hand enough Luke spoke up.

"Now it's your turn to teach me" he said laughing at how cute you were.

"Teach you what muffin" you asked him.

"Teach me how to cook" he said and than you laughed.

"Okay let's go. But you need to realize that it is going to take some time" you said pulling him into the kitchen.

"Don't worry about that. We have forever".

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