Caught In The Act

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michael: you were going to get the groceries today because there was no food in the whole house, but that is what you get for moving in with a band of teenage boys that doesnt know how to stop eating. you were not complaining about living wiht the boys, cause it was definatley the most fun you have ever had, but that did not mean that it was alway fun and games.

more often then not, you were made to clean the house after four messy boys. you were the one who was making dinner, unless the boys had already ordered pizza for themsleves. the one thing that you would not do for them, was their laundry. they could do somehting for themselves.

michael was the only on at the house when you left, cause the other boys were off to see thier families, and mixhael had just come back from being with his family. michael and you had this type of love/hate relationship. sometimes, michael could be nice to you, where as other times, it seemed like he wanted to rip your head off. you never paid him much mind when he was in those moods, cause he seemed to be on his man period, and that was not something you wanted or needed to deal wiht in life.

luke, calum and ashton were always making commments about how the two of you were always fighting because of the very obvios sexual tension. you honsetly hated when they said that, cause you were in no way attracted to michael in that way, nor were you planning on being. if you were anything to michael, it was probably "the annying girl that lives wiht me and makes me food".

you told michael that you would be gon for around an hour and a half, to which he responde wiht a grunt. your origional plan was to be gone for that long, but plans were chaged when you got there, then realized that you left your wallet at home. not too smart on your part.

since there was nothing you could do about it, you drove back home. you would just have to go shopping tomorrow and order a pizza toight. you knew michael would not possibly object to having pizza for dinner, seeing as it was something michael would gladly eat on a daily basis.

when you opened the door, you walking into the living room, expecting to see michael sitting there and playing his video games as he always does. when he wasnt there, your curiosity was struck, because what in the world would be more important to michael then playing video games.

you started walking arond the house, looking for michael. you werent exactly looking to see michael, but more to see what was occupying him at that moment.

you walked past his room, to see that the door was slighty ajar. you didnt want to just barge in his room, because that was not something that was appropriate to be doing. you were going to walk away and head to the living room, when michael made a noise. it sounded something like a whimper.

you were standing there and waiting for something else to be heard, and soon enough, there was another whimpering noise, followed by a grunt. you honestly had no idea what michael was doing and you were beyond curious. it was not until you looked through that tiny little gap in his door that everyhitng made sence.

through thar gap, you saw michael in all his glory, laying on his bed, with his hand on his rather large member. his eyes were closed and he looked like he was a bit uncomfortable, like he was racing to get to his release. he looked like he was sturggling and then you realized that you were still watching michael wanking. something that worried you a bit was the fact that you were a bit turned on by seeing michael so venerable.

wihtout realizing what you were doing, you pushed the door open a bit, by accident. michael eyes opened instantly and he looked strait towards the door. there was a look of terror in his eyes that made you feel awful.

"(YN) what are you doing here" michael asked you, he was calm once he spoke and his hand was still moving up and down his lenght.

"m-m-michael... what are you doing" you asked, although it was very obvious as to what he was doing.

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