Everything has changed

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Li Ing pov
This morning the same as other after morning habit and eat breakfast then I leave for school. I meet my friends at school gate. " morning"Ting Ting shout with her cute voice. " yeah morning" I said with bright smile. "Morning and let's go " Xing Xing said with a pretty smile. On the way class it's normal like other days stare glare and bad words from the fake queen and her gang but there a phrase catch our attention and make us shock the same time. " I think that true that our King love those b**ch. you see King follow them from behind" someone said but loud enough for us to hear. Then we turn around what we see make us jump and scream as hell. " Ah~~~~~~~~~" we scream the same time. "what are you doing here?"I ask. " why you follow us?" Ting Ting ask. " Are you crazy or what?" Xing Xing said. " why are you here?" I ask.
Jackson pov
When they turn to us I can see they shock and scream like no tomorrow then they ask many questions as we're the new stuff in their company so we stop them by pull them close to us by their waist. " Hey why you ask many questions. Can't you ask one by one hah" Roy said and pouts. " Yes who the hack can answer your question like this. You not give us any time to answer geez this girl" Karry said. " First question we are walking here. Second is we don't follow you. Third we are not crazy. Fourth this is the way to the class that why we're here" I answer all their questions with a smirk. " Wow you're amazing Jackson" Roy said while let go of Mei Ting' s waist and run to me for hug but I cut him by push him away from me. " Don't do that I'm not your boyfriend so miss please go as far as you can" I said with a little smile. " ehhhhh you!!!" Roy said and fake angry. Then we realized that the girls are running away while I argue with Roy and Karry just stand there watch and laughs. " Let's go lovely dovey" Karry said and run to the class then me and Roy start chase Karry until we arrive class.
Nobody pov
The class is starting now so the atmosphere around the school is silent and has only the sound is the air flew. There only one class that is noisy because of the teacher announces students about something that make them noise. " Good morning class" teacher said. " Good morning Ms. He" students said. " Please settle down I have something to announce you we gonna work in groups for a project but not today. One group must have 6 members since our class has 30 students. And you can choose which students you want just write you name in a note and give me at the office when the class end. One more thing you should pair up in this hour because I have meeting with all the teacher so please already before I'm back" teacher said and leave the class.
Mei Ting pov
After the teacher left the class become super noisy so I change my seat position and talk to my friends about the project. When I about to said my voice cut by that crazy girls voice. All what I and my friends can hear is. " Jackson with me" " Karry choose me" " Roy I want to be with you". Oi annoying I thought. " Emmm can we?"said a nerd guy name Kevin. " No hey can we do project together huh pretty" a playboy of the class said. Yes his name is Carson. " Emmm no thanks" Xing Xing said. " but we don't have group yet" Ing Ing said with a little bit sad in her voice. " See you have no group yet" Carson said. " Who said" Jackson said. " yeah who said they'll do it with us" Roy said. " Come here Miss. Talkative" Karry said but we ignore them even we know he called us because we're not Miss. Talkative.
Karry pov
What they ignore my words. It's the first time like got reject from a girl when I asked them to do projects with me. I can hear Jackson and Roy giggle behind me. " Hey don't you hear" I said again. They still ignore me so I go near Yu Xing and pull her close to me. " Write your name and you two also" I said then back to my seat. Then a note fly to accompany with three glares toward three of us.
Ring~~~~~ Ring~~~~~~~
Lunchtime I look at my friends then they stand up so I stand up too. " Miss. Talkative with us" Jackson said. They pretend like we're not here. The next second I know is Jackson grab Li Ing waist and walk out the class while she scream yell shout and hit his arm like no tomorrow.then the sound of her disappear. " you want like your friends huh" Roy said and his hand find the way to Mei Ting' s waist but she slap away. " I can walk" Mei Ting said. " ok" Roy said. " how about you" I ask. " No need thank because I have two eyes like you" Yu Xing said and grab Mei Ting hand make her way to canteen. The lunchtime went over like the other day.
Li Ing pov
School finally end. I prepare my bag then someone tap my shoulder I turn and see Mr. King "where" Jackson said. " what" I said with annoying. " your house or my house" he said again. " Xing Xing where?!?" Yu Xing said and look to Xing Xing. " so our " Roy said. " how ca-" said me while cut by Karry. " the biggest one" and walk away. " the biggest one the one we used to dream to live in right?" Ting Ting said. " I don't know just hurry" I said. We go to the office since we have to give the group list to the teacher. We arrived and give it to her. " Your group have to give the project to me on Monday so that mean you have to finish it on Sunday night" teacher said and we just nod our head. Then we walk off the school until beep beep we turn round and see three super modern and expensive car. It's Lamborghini veneno but we turn to frown because we see the owner." Rich kids" Xing Xing mumble loud enough for us. We just walk and walk and walk until we see the same car but to strange because before it was behind us but now it is in front of us. Then they come out. " don't walk just get in" Jackson said toward me. "No walk is a good exercise" I said. " Emmm ok I let's you win " Jackson said then they go back to the car and drive it super slow make us surprise.

Hi again and the same question do you like it? I hope you like even it's not a good fan fic😊😊🍀

Ms. Talkative vs. Mr. Ice king [ completed ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant