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1 years later
Jackson pov
A years passed after Ing Ing passed away everything turn to it's normal. I became the ice king as before Karry Roy and their girlfriends still lovey dovey. A years passed but my heart still hurt badly and that became my nightmare. I miss her and still love her as before or more than before. I want to hold her. 30 minutes later I arrived the ceremony and yes to day is the day that made me sorrow, the day that Ing Ing leave us and the world. I hop down my car and walk to everyone. I look to the Ing Ing's no corpse grave. I look at it with guilty feeling. If that year I thought about it maturely that wouldn't be happened but no I thought it unfairly I choose and nannan and force Ing Ing to that way. Stupid me. I hate you Yi Yang Qianxi. Someone pat on my shoulder cut me of my thought. I look back and see Xing Xing. All this year I should thank to them. They always accompany me and cheer me up. They always stay by my side even hard or easy time. " Are you okay?" She ask. " I'm ok don't worry and thank" I said. " Jackson remember it's not your fault you just being use by that bastard so don't take it to much this three years you blame yourself enough so move no and start the new page of your life I know Ing Ing won't blame you and me too don't worry son I will support" Ing Ing's mom said. I wonder why she can be this best even she knows I was the one who made her daughter dead. Why her family is this best. " Ok" I said and look at her guiltily. " Ok now let's start the ceremony" Ing Ing's dad said and everyone include me walk to the seat. Every girl starts to cry even my mom because of the song. Every moment with Ing Ing start flashback in my mind. Without realization my tear start drop little by little. Ing Ing I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me but it's ok if you don't want. We can't be together this life but we will next life ok. Next life we will live happily and be the most happiest family promise me you will wait for me for our next life ok don't be with other guy ok next life you only can marry me don't dare to cheat. " Oh my sorry I'm late I try my best to come early but the traffic is too bad" someone said catch all the people attention. I look to the door and see my grandparents. We stand up and greet them. " Oh my grandson are you crying?" My grandma said and wipe my tears. " I'm sorry for being late and let's continue" my grandpa said and then we start again. An hour pass some guests are going back. " Mom what makes you soooooo late?" My mom said. " Oh my dear daughter as you know the traffic is too bad" my grandma said. " And what bring you here grandma?" I ask. " Yes this is the main point but promise me first you will be happy with me" she said. " Yes I will" I said and force a smile for her. " You know a year ago grandma meet an angel, she's so beautiful cute and smart" she said and look at me. " You know she's really kind and caring" she said and smile at me. " Don't tell me you want me to-" I said as she cut me " Yes I know you really love your girlfriend but you know you should move no and I'm sure she's not happy with you right now you keep blame yourself because of her dead and lock yourself in the dark for all this year you know Jackson it's time to bring the light you your heart" she said to me but it makes my anger boiled. No one will replace Ing Ing in my heart. No one and she think she's my grandma she can put her hand in my love life no way I allowed her. " Grandma don't even dream I won't allow anyone to get in my heart only Ing Ing can have this place and only her can bring me the light" I said and try to calm myself I know my words hurt her but I can't do that to Ing Ing again even she's dead but she's still here in my heart. She's own my heart already so no one else. " Jackson you will like her just wait and see her before you reject" she said. " Like I said I won't allow anyone get in my heart besides Ing Ing" Right now I shout angrily to her. I can't hole it anymore. " Jackson why you-" my mom cut by the sound of the door. " Sorry grandma but the traffic is too bad that why I'm late" she said and walk to us. Her voice her figure are familiar to me then everyone gaped. " Is this true or it just a dream?" " Should I believe my eyes right now?" " Is that really Ing Ing?" " Oh Angel finally you're here" my grandma said and hug her. Sh** she's not Ing Ing she is Angel. " What happened to a of you why you so shocked huh?!" That girl said. " Emm nothing" Karry said. " Yes nothing" Roy said. " Oii mom dad don't you two miss me all this year already or you two forget me" she said and fake cry. What does she mean?? Mr. Chou and Ms. Chou walk to her hug her and cry. So this is Ing Ing but why my grandma call her Angel. After awhile she let go and walk to my parents and hug them what!? I'm so confused now. " Ge Jie how about you?" She said and walk to my best friends and hug them. They smile ear to ear and patted her head then she walk to me. " Hey heartbreaker long time no see how are you?" She ask me and raise her eyebrow. " Me!? Like hell" I said and everyone laughed. She grab my hand and pull me into a hug. " I miss you, Yi Yang Qianxi" she whispered. She pull her off me. " Tell me what you suppose to mean?" I ask seriously. I can't take this joke anymore. I'm happy she's alive but how. She look at me then everyone. " Ok I will tell the truth" she said and smile to everyone.

Hello this the gife for 1K. I'm so so happy for this result. And thank you. I will try my best to update and this time I will keep my promise. 😊😊🍀

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