Plan and jealous

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Li Ing pov
" Wake up wake up if you don't wake up now you will late" my alarm said ehhh how can my alarm clock talk? I hurry open my eyes and see R3. " Emm sorry and thank for wake me up" I said and smile to them. " Morning beauty we wait you down stair ok" Riley said and I nodded for agree then they leave my room. After they leave I hurry go to bathroom and get change. I go down stair and greet everyone. I forgot mention that R3 stay in my house since they are my cousin and we study the same school. After breakfast " You all want me to send you to school or not?" My dad said. " No thank uncle" Riley said. " Really?" mom ask. " Yes mom you see three of them will protect me so don't worry" I said and I put on my shoes and start walk to school. " Remember you two have to act close and sweet ok?" Ryker said. " No way you know already I treat Ing Ing like my little sister I can act close but can't sweet" Ryan half yell. " Emmm ok just close and Ing Ing remember ignore him and don't tell any of your friends" Riley said we nodded and continue walk. Now we stand in front of the main gate Ryan hold my hand and walk through the gate then we see all my friends." Ing in-" Ting Ting shout but cut by Jackson. " Why are you holding Ryan hand?" He half shout. Ryan release our hand. " So what hah?" Ryan said. " She's our friend" Roy said. " She also our" Ryker said. " Bye and Ing Ing let's go class" Ryan said and wink at me then they smirk at my best friends. We arrived class and chitchat about the plan then they walk in with confused expression but expect Jackson. He looks like angry and confused and I don't know how to describe about him. I really want to tell them the true but I can't since I really want to know him!! Ms. He arrived and the class is started. " Ing Ing why are you so close to them?" Ting Ting ask. " We're friends" I said and smile. " What?!? Friends" Xing Xing said. I nodded then we go back on our things until the lunch time.
Ryan pov
" Ing Ing let's go" her friends said. " Ing Ing~" Ryker said. " Huh?!?" She replied. " Let's go" Riley said. " Emmm sorry guys today I will eat with three of them" she said to her friends and smile to and walk to our direction leave them in froze and confused expression except Jackson. I think the plan is working now I can see his anger bowl inside him. He's good at hide his feelings. We go to the canteens and start eating.
Roy pov
After she leave Jackson slam hard the table. " Jackson calm down" Xing Xing said. " Yes maybe there something behind it" Ting Ting said. "Yes she won't to do this with no reason" I said. " Jackson I know your feeling I also used to have it " Karry said. " You guys won't ever know about this feeling" Jackson said. " What's feeling?" Ting Ting ask. " Love" Jackson said. " What?!? You love Ing Ing" Xing Xing said with shock expression. " Yes since she transfer here" Karry said. " Confess her before she becomes their" Ting Ting said with serious voice.
Jackson pov
" yes we support you Jackson" they said. " Thank guys I will tell you if I have plan" I said and back to my seat because the bell rang. Why she like this. Ing Ing you know how much you really mean to me. I hate when you close to other guys you know. Then they back. I can see her smile a smile which I never seen. I think of her and look at her from behind until the class end. They walk out class together then I tell my friends that I have something to do so I leave them. I stalk four of them. They went to the park and play along I see her smile and her blush every moment she's with them. I feel really tight in my chest. Is that the feeling that everyone called jealous? I ask myself then I walk more close and hid behind the tree to listen their conversation.
Li Ing pov
After we leave the school Ryker suggest to go to the park to make the plan but on the way I see a familiar car then I realized it's Jackson's. I whisper to them that Jackson is following us they start tease me all the way to the park it makes me smile and blush crazily. We arrived the park we search around but we can't find Jackson's car then I see a familiar statue walk to our direction but hide behind the tree so we realize that was Jackson. We start play along with him. We talk and laugh then I start run to the swing and ride on it then Ryan push me. I laugh happily. It reminds me everything we used to do. The time want past now it's 6 o'clock so we decided to go home. After arrived home I straight to my room and take shower then change. Someone knock the door so I open it and it's R3. " Plan complete" Ryker shout. " Yeah" I reply and it reminds Jackson expression today. " You lost so you know what to do right" Riley said and smile devil to me I nodded. " You see all what we say are truth he loves you" Ryan said and I blush badly. " I hope so" I mumble. They walk to me and pat my head and say good night to me then they go out my room leave me think and lay on my bed alon. I fall asleep while my face smile crazily.
Jackson pov
What?! She spent almost an hour and half with them. I really want to beat them down but I can't I know if I do that she will hate me and ignore me forever maybe my hope also end. I sign while drive car back home. I open the main door and the two rush to me " Where did you go?" Karry ask. " You know we really worried about you" Roy said. " I went to the park" I said. " Oh we thought that you go somewhere and kill yourself" Karry said. I roll my eyes. " Oh tomorrow you have to help me something" I said and they nodded. I tell them all my plan and they smirk at me then we go to our own room. I take shower and change I hop on my bed reminds me the day. I smile and angry at the same time. I fall asleep while thinking about tomorrow.

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