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Nobody pov
The party is held on 7 o'clock and now is 6:30 so all the guests are arrived. The owner of the company, Mr. Yi start his speech at 7:15 and finished at almost 8:30. After the speech finished every guest enjoy their thing like dance eat or talk to other.
Karry pov
The party is too boring my friends and me have to greet all our parents partner of business or their friends. " Hey Karry is that your girlfriend?" Roy said and point to a girl in an elegant blue dress above her knee with a pair blue hight heel. First I think Roy maybe wrong but a thing catch my eyes is her ankle is injured. " Yes!!" I said and a happiness smile appears on my face. I walk to her and I hug her tightly from behind. She jump and about to shout but I turn her to me. " Babe what are you doing here?" I said. " Umm how about you why are you here?" She said and her face turn red. " Oh you stalk me right?" I tease her. " No my parents work for Mr. Wang company and he invited us here" she said and point to my dad. That mean my parents and her parents know each other. I'm going to tell my parents about her hahah I thought myself. " What are you smiling at?" She ask. " Nothing but I have something important to do ok?" I said and she nod. " Careful ok" I said. " Ok" she said. I make my way to my mom since my dad nowhere I can find. " Ma" I said. " What honey" she said. " Ma you see a girl stand near the advertisements board?" I ask. " Which one there are two?" She said back. " The girl in blue dress do you know her?" I said. " Oh honey you in love with her hah? She is one and only daughter of Mr. and Ms. Hong" she said. Her words make me blush badly. "  You like her right" she said. " Ma~~" I said and she make her way to Xing Xing then I hear someone clap their hands behind me. I turn and find Roy and Jackson. " Good job bro" Jackson said. "Great job bro" Roy said and they smirk to me. " What I do nothing?" I said. " I never realized you love her that much" Roy tease me. " Ok enough Ting Ting and Ing Ing" I said. " Hey what did I do to you?" A high pitch voice make us jump. Then Ting Ting came out from nowhere. " Mr. Wang Junkai can you please tell me what I did to you!" She said. We shock and look at each other then Roy face become red and red. " Emmm nothing just think if you're here we maybe not in this mood" Jackson said and fake laugh. She glare at us but cut by a baby voice. " Ge Ge" nannan said. Then Jackson pick him up. Thanks nannan you come in right time or else you won't meet your brother again I said in my mind. Then we talk along.
Ms. Wang ( Karry's mom) pov
Oh my son is growing now I thought myself while make my way to Ms. Hong daughter. " Honey are you Ms. Hong' s daughter?" I said and put my hand on her head. " Yes I'm and you are~" she said with her beautiful voice. " Oh I'm Ms. Wang. What your name honey?" I said. " Ohh my name is Hong Yu Xing auntie" she said and smile to me. " Yu Xing such a great name" I said and she smiles. " Xing Xing I think you should call me ma ma or mom since I'm about your mom age" I said and she nod. She has a perfect shape and good attitude. " Do you know my son since I hear you study in the same school as my son" I said.  " Emm aunt- no ma ma in my class has two wang so which one?" She said. " Wang Junkai" I said. " yes he sit behind me in the class" she said and I can see her cheek heat up. My son has a good eyes he can find a good girl for himself. " Ok since that can you do ma ma a favor?" I ask. " Ok if I can do it" she said and give me a smile. " Give my son a chance ok" I said and she look at me in confused look. " Ok I have to go honey see you around" I said and walk to my friends.
Ting Ting pov
I want to kill them by my glare but I cut by a baby voice. " Who is he? He's so cute" I said and pin his cheeks. " our little brother and he's cute like me" Roy said proudly. " I can't see which part are you cute" I said. " I support Ting Ting" a voice said it sounds like Xing Xing. I hurry turn and my thoughts is real. " Xing Xing " I said and run to hug her tightly. "Hey hey ca~n you~ let go o~f me" she said then I feel a pair of arm pull her away from me. It was Karry. " You wanna kill my girlfriend hah?" He said. " No I just miss her" I said and pout. " You can hug Roy instead of her" he said and make me blush. " Why should I?" I said. " Because you're my target" Roy said and pull me in his arms. " Hey me and nannan still here ok" Jackson said. Then they let's go. " jie jie" nannan said. " who!?" I ask. He jump off from Jackson arm and run then we run after him and see..
Ing Ing pov
I stand alone because I don't know anything to do. " jie jie" a familiar voice shout behind me. I turn and see nannan. He run to me and hug me tight I pick him up in my arms. " jie jie I miss you" he said. " I miss you too nannan " I said then a light tap on my shoulder. I turn back and see all my friends. " Why are you guy here?" I ask. "This company belong to my family" Jackson said. " We just come by invitation" other side. I nod my head. " Nannan why are you here ma ma also here right?" I ask. " yes" he said. " ma ma??" Jackson said. " Yes his mom" I said. " Don't you know who is-" Jackson got cut by nannan. " Jie jie ma ma there" he said then I carry him to his mother. " Hi ma ma Yi" I said and give her a bright smile." Oh hi Ing Ing why are you here?" She ask. " My parents work for this company" I said. " What?!? Your parents what?!?" Jackson said. " None your business" I said. " Jackson Ing Ing is the girl that ma ma met at the mall that day" ma ma Yi said. I look at her in confusion. " You also should thank her you look handsome today because of her" she continued. " Why should I?" Jackson said. "Because she chose it for you" she said and point to me. " She? Chose for me" he said and she just nod her head then he walk to me with a smirk and whisper in my ears. " Care about me huh and thank babe" his word make me blush hard. I hope no one realizes. " jie jie why your face red like strawberry?" Nannan ask make everyone look at me and my friends smile devil to me. " N-nothing" I said.
No one pov
The party end around 10:30 so everyone return back to their homes by themselves. On the silence road there only one car and it belongs to Yi family.
Ms. Yi pov
" Jackson you know Ing Ing?" I ask. " Yes" he said. " Have you ever realized that she is pretty and cute?" I ask. " Yes " he answered. " So do you have any feelings on her?" I ask. He keep silent and look away but I can he was blushing. " Jackson answers ma ma I don't angry if you like her" I said. " Yes I feel strange when I around her" he said. " What kind of that feel son?" my husband asked. " it like when I see someone do something bad to her I want to protect her or when she's not around I feel like I lost something special or when I see she talk or smile to random guy I want to pull her away and one more thing is when I see she got a call from other guys I want her to hang up and block that contact" he said and blush more. "Yes son this is call love" his dad said. " What I love her that's not possible dad" he said. " Jackson stop lie yourself dear you should follow your feelings" I said and everything went silent again until we arrived home and we separate our way to the room.
Jackson pov
After arrive home I go to my room and take bath then lay on the bed and think about everything that my parents said. What if I really love her? And what if she reject me? I'm scared that she leave me or stop talk to me. I think and think and think until I fall asleep.

A/n :
Hi reader I hope you like this chapter even it seem like simple or complex but I hope you enjoy. To you all again please don't be so silent like or comment me if their anything wrong!!😊😊🍀

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