Good news

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Mei Ting pov
The same as every day I wake up late and eat late. I do my morning routine and go down for breakfast then someone rang the bell maybe Roy. He ignored me yesterday so let him wait a moment it's not a big deal. " Ting Ting why don't you answer the door?" Mom shout from her room. I go and open the door for him but to a surprise it's not Roy but my friends. " Sorry guys I thought you are Roy" I said and my anger rush up again. " Emmm ok but do you know why they angry?" Ing Ing said. " Who knows?" Xing Xing said with anger. I nodded and grab my bag then walk school together. " It's been along day that we walk school together like this" Ing Ing said then we smile all the memories flashback into my mind. " I never thought we have today" I said and smile. We stand in front of the main gate of the school Beep Beep Beep we turn around and see our boys but now we have fight so no more boys then a guys walk pass us I grab his hand and pull him back.
Roy pov
What she holding other guy's hand?? I see a girl walk to our direction then I grab her waist and pull her close to us. " Miss what do you want?" That guys said. We glare at him then Xing Xing grab his other hand " Emm nothing just want a guy walk us to the class" Ing Ing said. I look at Jackson and Karry. " Emmm cutie want us to walk with you??" Karry said. I can see Xing Xing jealous by her eyes. " Emm what your name?" Ting Ting ask that guys. " Evan Evan Ma" he said. Ok Evan you will die after they leave I eyes him " How about you what your name?" Jackson ask. " Emily Emm Emily Huang" she said and blush. Awww I want to warn you don't fall for us. " Evan tell your kings that other times please be a little gentle don't show their rich attitude" Xing Xing said and give us dead glare. " Emily you know queens right? Tell them don't be too slow we want to park our cars" Karry said. " Evan tell your kings don't dare to think that we lose" Ting Ting said. " Emily tell them we also won't give up" I said.
Karry pov
Why she holding other guy's instead of me?? Evan ok note you will die after all. How dare you stay close to my girlfriend?? Then a voice snap me out of my thought. " Evan tell them we won't forgive them until they said sorry" Xing Xing said. " Emily tell them we won't say it because they are the one who wrong" I said. " You guys can continue your fight but don't use us as your message sender" Emily and Even shout. Then they walk away leave six of us stand in awakened situation. " Let's go I don't want to face them" Ing Ing said and look at Jackson. They leave to the class. I and Jackson glare at Roy. " What?!" He ask. " It's your idea you see they do that to us and now who got jealous they or us??" Jackson said. " It's ok" I said. " Okay!!" They ask me and look at me with unbelievable eyes. " A little jealous" I said then we park the car and go to the class.
Li Ing pov
The class start and they walk in. I smirk at him and he sit down behind me. " Class today I have a good news for all of you" Ms. He said and the class settle down. " Tomorrow our class is going to have a trip at the beach" she said and the class start scream. Beach yeah I love the beach it's been along time I haven't go there. " Class please silent I have to announce one more thing which is choose group by yourself but make sure six people in a group. I will give an hour to choose group" she said and leave the classroom then she return " Oh I forgot you have to prepare everything for yourself because we will stay there 3 night 3 days" she said and leave for real. " Xing Xing~ Ting Ting~" I said.
Jackson pov
I look at Karry and Roy " I won't follow your plan anymore Roy" I said. " Me too I won't" Karry said. " If you guys stop me too" he said. " Emm I think if we have guys as a teammate it's maybe better" we heard Ting Ting said. Yes finally they will choose us. " Emmm I think R3 maybe good since they are Ing Ing' s cousins" Xing Xing said. " What!!you choose other guys instead your own boyfriends?" Karry shout in unbelievable tone. They just keep silent. " We won't play anymore you're our girlfriends so no choice to choose" I said. "Ok then" they said and pout then turn to the board leave three of us in happy smile. " See if we won't stop your stupid plan we will lose them" Karry said and point to Roy. " Stop blame me my girlfriend also angry with me not only yours" he said back. Then the class start again until lunchtime. " Eat with us or not Mr. King?" Ing Ing said. We look up happily and hurry nodd like a puppy got its milk and stand up hold their waists.
Yu Xing pov
After they said we have to be with them in a group. Me and my bestie smile widely then the lunchtime's bell rang."Eat with us or not Mr. King?" Ing Ing said. They look up happily and hurry nod like a baby got a candy and stand up hold our waists. They smile like idiots. " Don't ever think we forgive you?" I said and glare to Karry. " What the-" Roy said but Jackson close his mouth they let go of our waist " We are sorry and it's Roy fault" They said then bow down. Seem like Roy realize what he just said. " Hey I just give a plan you two are the one who start" he said and pout. We shake our heads and walk away. " Hey Ing Ing you promise you won't leave but why you now you leave?" Jackson shout then I can see Ing Ing' s face heat up and run back to him leave me and Ting Ting in shock and drop our mouths widely.
Ing Ing pov
After he said that I run back to him and leave Xing Xing and Ting Ting with their shock face. Jackson grab my waist and pull me close to him " You're back" he said and smile happily I smile bake and look at Karry and Roy " Don't you want the flies fly into your girlfriend's mouth right?" I said and seem like they realize then they run to my bestie and whisper something that make them blush badly " You wonder what are they whisper right?" Jackson snap me out of my thought I nodded then he move closer " I love you babe" he said made me blush crazily. " See your cheeks also heat up" he said I hit his chest and push him but his grip is too tight I can't do anything. Then we go to the canteen and eat until lunchtime end. Everything went normal. There are many sweet whisper like other days but not the day we argue. Finally the bell rang I hurry prepar my bag and go back home with Jackson. We arrived home I said bye to him and he give me a peak on my cheek and then leave. I walk in " Seem like the argument has been solved" Ryan tease me. " Hey " I shout and throw my bag to them. " How was that why you guy get along again hah?" Ryker said. " None your business" I said and glare at them. I go to my room take shower get change and back down stair for dinner and go back my room and Zzzzzzzzzz

Hello~~ why so silent no one comment me yet?? Are you reader still here?? I hope you like but don't let me talk alone like idiot please reply me back😊🍀🍀

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