Break up

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Li Ing pov
I watch his back until he's disappeared from the rooftop then I drop my knee and cry again. His words walk around my mind again and again. Xing Xing and Ting Ting kneel down and comfort me. " Ing Ing move on" they said. " How *sob*can I*sob*you know*sob* I love him*sob* with*sob* all*sob*my heart*sob*" I said between sob. "Stop it Ing Ing that jerk just play with you stop love him" Xing Xing said with anger. " I can't Xing Xing I can't" I said and try to clam myself then the door open and I hope he's back and said he just prank me but no it's Karry and Roy. " Hey girl what happened?" Roy said. " Emm do you all see Jack-" Karry said but he cut by Ting Ting " Stop said that jerk name in front of me or I can't control myself" Ting Ting shout make them shock. Roy walk to her and hug her but she push away. " Stop playing with me I know you just treat me like a doll stop it" she shout and push Roy as far as she can then Roy pull her into a tight hug. " what happened tell me baby what did I do?" Roy said and try to calm Ting Ting. " Stop it I know you all, Mr. King stop play game with me" she shout again and try to push him. "What game did I play with you I don't even know myself" Roy said. " I know you all try to break our hearts just like Jackson I know" she shout and cry. " Break your heart what and Jackson what" Karry ask. " Karry Roy tell us the truth I'm not going to hate you" Xing Xing said. " Xing Xing what do you mean?" Karry ask. "Are you sure you don't know anything?" Xing Xing ask then he nodded. " Ok Jackson cheat on Ing Ing" Xing Xing said make them shock. " Are you sure who don't know how much Jackson love Ing Ing" Roy  said and let go Ting Ting. " No he said by his own he said he just play with Ing Ing and his real girlfriend is a girl that you guy talk to when we had argument" Ting Ting said. " That Emily I used to think already that those girl fall in love with one of us" Roy said. " How can you know and I don't" Karry said. " I can see it in her eyes" Roy said. " Stop talking find the way to help Ing Ing first" Xing Xing said. " no need guys I can handle it alone" I said and give them a fake smile hope they don't realize. " stop it Ing Ing I know it just a fake smile" they said and walk to me. " Ing Ing don't worry I will talk to him" Roy said. " No-" I said but they walk to the door and leave me stand there alone then my phone rang.
Jackson pov
I was standing look out the window and call her then someone punch me. I look up and see Roy and Karry. " What the hack are you doing?" I said. " Tell me Jackson tell you just kidding that said you and that Emily are couple" Karry shout and grab my collar. I slap his hand away. " See I told you already he's not Jackson we know" Ting Ting said and cry. " Seem like you all know already" I said. " Tell us" Roy shout. " Yes what if I play with that girl she just my target I can do whatever I want" I said back then Karry punch me one more. " Karry are you kidding me we're friends and you punch me because of that girl" I shout and push him. " I treat Ing Ing like my little sister and cheat on my sister then you said I'm kidding" Karry said and about to punch me again then Roy stop. " I never think you cheat on her I never Jackson you make me disappointed" Roy said and shake his head. " Yeah finally you come betrayer" I shout and she looks to me with shock. "Don't act innocent" I said again then a slap fly to my cheek. " Stop it Jackson Yi I never said your full name and don't dare to make me said it again or else" Xing Xing shout and point me by her index finger. " See you betrayer you ruin my friendship that I made since age ago" I shout and she cry. "Sorry-" she said but Roy cut her. "Don't sorry Ing Ing it's not your fault and we won't ever make friend with jerk like that" Roy said then they walk to her pull her with them. " Wait" I shout then they turn to me. "I don't want to play with you anymore so break up and get lost" I said and look at her coldly. " Who care" Karry said. "And you too don't show your face in front of us again" Xing Xing said then they disappear. Someone tap my shoulder and Emily appear. "Don't be sad you can talk to me whenever you want ok?" she said. " Ok" I said. " Wanna talk I'm free right now" she said. " Emm ok but let go somewhere else" I said then we go out the hospital and go to Starbucks. We order some drinks and sit at the corner. I tell her what happened and all the feelings in my heart then I send her to her house then I go to mind and sleep. I don't want to do anything since today many things happened make me headache already I don't want to think about it anymore.
????? Pov
Finally what I used to think now happened. I will grab this chance to make everyone know who I am for real. Jackson!!!

Hi I plan to publish it last night but too bad I fall asleep and forgot about it sorry and one more sorry for this short chapter sometimes I really don't know what to write more.😊😊🍀

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