Revenge and the truth

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Li Ing pov
I open my eyes I look at the clock it shows me that 5:30 am. Why I wake up that fast. I haven't ready to faced him yet. I walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I got out and change to school uniform and make my hair to high ponytail. I grab my bag and tip toe down stair. I don't feel eat this morning so I put on my shoes and leave the house. I look at my watch and it reminds now is 6 o'clock. I walk school and think how to face them. A long walk finally I stand in front of school. I let's out a loud sign then my phone rang. I pick up and it from my mom.
Call conversation
Ing Ing : Wei ma!!!
Mom : Ing Ing where are you?
Ing Ing : I'm at school.
Mom : why you leave that early? You don't eat breakfast too why what's happening Ing Ing?
Ing Ing : mom~ I'm grow up and it's okay I can eat at school so don't worry nothing will happen
Mom : Ing Ing tell me if anything happened ok?
Ing Ing : ok I'll bye
Mom : ok bye and don't forget your breakfast
Ing Ing : ok
Then I hang up and walk to the class. To a suprise I see all my friends. " Emmm morning guys" I said and smile but no reply so i walk and sit in my place until R3 arrived. They ask me what happened but i said it's okay. We enjoy the class peaceful but I feel really hurt I want to cry but no Ing Ing, you can't hold on Ing ing Hold on.
I hurry leave the class and straight to the back of the school. when I arrived I sit down and cry my heart out. I feel really hurt then someone tap my shoulder I look up and and see R3 and they ask me everything and I told them everything then Ryan seem angry and run away then we run after him. I froze when I see he catches Jackson's collar and punch Jackson hardly. Hard until his lip injured badly. When Ryan about to punch him one more time I run as fast as I could to defend Jackson then all I know is Ryan's hand beat me so hard that I feel my lips blood and I fainted on the cool floor. I can hear they shout my name but everything around me become black and I can't hear anymore.
Jackson pov
That Ryan run to me and grip my collar and punch me " Why are you do that to her?" He shout. I was so angry both his beat and he take away my Ing Ing. Then I punch him back " Don't you satisfied hah You take her away and now what I gave up already" I shout. He punch me again and all my friends run to me then one more he punch me one more until my lip feel blood then Karry run to him and catch him " Hey it's enough you take my friend away so please" Ting Ting said and cry Xing Xing comfort her " I'm not taking her away I just want to make sure that jerk feel to her " he said and point to me. " Why are you do that? You're not even her brother or boyfriend" Roy half shout. " Who said I'm her cousin we're here to protect her because we don't want her study in the hell like her school life in America" Ryan yell to us make us shock then Karry let's go off him " What used to happen to her?" Karry ask. " Who knows that her life in America like hell her parents busy with their work so she's sometimes alone and got bullied from all of those slut in her class but that time have us protect her. She's never wanted to tell anyone about that after she moved here we really worry about her that why now we're here after the we met we're not sure that you're really love her for sure or not so we play a role to know the truth but everything went contract especially you" he said and point to me " you make her cry like last year" he said and punch me one more. I was so shocked about what he said then he about to punch me again but someone defend me and that one is Ing Ing she fainted on the floor and her lips injured badly. " Ing Ing" I shout her name but it's too late. I carried her bridal style and run as fast as I could to the nurse center.
Yu Xing pov
Everyone was shock when Ryan told us the truth. I back to the reality when I heard Jackson shout Ing Ing name then all I know is she fainted on the floor. Jackson carried her bridal style to the nurse center after we arrived Jackson put her on the bed and the nurse tell us to wait outside. " Ryan what happened?" Riley said. " Nothing just I can't hold my anger" he answered. " Is it truth that it just a play not real?" Karry ask. " Of course she really love you guys. She really wants to tell you guys the truth since yesterday but we stop her because we want to make sure that you guys feel the same way as her" Ryker said with serious tone. We keep silent and wait in front the room especially Jackson he doesn't say even a single word. " Jackson don't worry she will be fine" I said. He just nodded. " Jackson can we ask you a question?" Riley said. Jackson look at them with his cool eyes. " As you know we are her cousin we really don't want her to hurt anymore so we have to be a bit overprotective" Ryan said. " Ok" Jackson said. " Do you really love Ing Ing?" They ask make us shock and Jackson blush a bit but turn back to normal. " Tell us and don't worry we have no feelings on her we treat her like our little sister " they said again. " Yes I admit it" Jackson said and blush. " Then we will give you a chance but make sure she won't get any hurt after all " Riley said. " What?!?" Jackson said with unbelievable tone. " And you guys really don't love her right?" he ask again. " Yes try to win her heart" Ryker said. " We support you bro" Ryan said. " Bro?!?" Karry said. They raise their eyebrows. " Bro " all boys said together and leave me and Ting Ting alone. " Hey don't you count us" Ting Ting said and pout. " The word bro belong to the boys only so no girl counted" Roy said and roll his eyes. " yes no girl count" Karry said. " Ok then break-" I said but cut by Karry pull my waist. " No babe I'm sorry" he said. I look away. " Oh that mean all of you have partner?" Ryker said. " yes" Karry said. " So since you two are my Ing Ing best friends we'll treat you the way we treat Ing Ing" Riley said. " Tell us if they make you hurt we'll teach them lesson" Ryker said and point to the boys. " Hey don't we are bro" Roy said. " My sisters are more important" they said and wink at us. The boys roll their eyes and start chitchat about everything. " Are you guys Ing Ing friends? she awake now you can go in" the nurse said and leave the room. We walk in and see Ing Ing lay on the bad soundly then she turn to us " Guys I- " she said but cut by us. " We knew the truth already so don't worry" we said and smile to her then she reply back with her sweet smile. Then we go out and leave her and Jackson in there.
Jackson pov
The room full of awakened " Ing Ing" I said but she ignores me. " Ing Ing" I said again but still no reply. " Ing Ing I'm really sorry" I said. " it's okay " she replied and look other direction. " Ing Ing I admit it my fault. You can angry with me can hit me can yell or shout at me but please don't ignore me" I said sadly. She looks at me then look back to other direction. " I will leave if you don't talk to me but I don't give up on you and I will make you back like you used to be" I said confidently and leave the room while my heart hurt so bad. Everyone outside ask me what happened but I said nothing happened then I told R3 to take care of her then I hurry back home to make a plane to make her back.
Li Ing pov
It's really hurt me when I see him in a fight but I'm also happy to know that he fights for me. I really want to forgive him but I told myself not to do that after he left my friends walk in and ask me what happened but I said nothing. Then we separate way to home. On the way home R3 just keep ask me is there any hurt and say sorry to me. We arrived home I hurry to my room. Take shower and hurry sleep since I'm too tired today.

A/N :
Hi guys please don't be so silent give me some complain if my story not good. I hope you guys like it ok?😊😊🍀🍀

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