Secret crush

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Jackson pov
After I dropped Ing Ing I straight home since I have nowhere to go. I open the door and see Roy and Karry. " Finally you're back Jackson" Roy said and run to me. I push him away " What happened?? Fight!!" I ask and raise my eyebrow. " No!!! If we had fight you won't see me stand in front of you" he said. " So what?!" I ask. " You know since he has Xing Xing he never talk to me even a single word" he said and pout I look at him. " After got home he started chat with his girlfriend ignore me even I have no snack to eat" he said and fake cry. " I can't help this problem" I said and shake my head. " Don't tell me you gonna do the same thing as him?!" he said. " Actually it's the only one answer" I said. " I swear if I know you two will do this to me I won't help you guys to get their heart" he shout. " Hey can't you be silent Roy I'm talking to my girlfriend ok?" Karry said and glare at Roy. " Ahhh~~~ I hate you two" he said and run to his room. " We also don't love you" me and Karry shout back to him but no reply. I run to my room since I have something to catch you. While taking shower I hear someone knock the door " I'm taking showers wait a minute" I shout. " Ok I'll wait you" he said and I know that voice belong to Roy. I hurry finish and open the door for Roy. I let him in my room and I go get change. " Jackson I want you to do me favor" he said. " It's okay if I can do" I said. " You know I like Ting Ting right?" he said and I nodded. " Can you help me to find out who she love?" he said. " How? You know Ting Ting right if she knows I do that I'll become dead meat" I said. " We're bro right why can't you help me the way I help you" he said and fake angry. " Ok I'll help" I said and he gives me bright smile. " But how to know if we stalk her she will know" I said. " I got an idea your girlfriend can help us since they are best friends they will tell each other" he said. I take my phone and deal Ing Ing number.
Li Ing pov
After Jackson leave I go in and greeted by R3 since my parents not yet come back. " How you and Jackson doing?" Riley ask make me blush. " Ok" I said. " How he treat you?" Ryker ask but I hurry run to my room avoid their embrace question. I lock my room door and take shower after along shower I got out then I change into my sleeping suit. My phone rang I walk to my study desk and pick it up. It from random number.
Ing Ing : hello who are you?
I hear someone giggle
Ing Ing : hey don't you hear me I ask who are you? Answer me or I will hang up
I shout into my phone. I really hate wrong number. I will kill them if I know who are they?
????: No no don't hang up babe
Ing Ing : What what?! Babe what the h-
????: it's me your Jackson~ why don't you recognize my voice!
He said with sad expression. I feel really bad for him why don't I recognize my boyfriend's voice. How stupid you are, Ing Ing?
Ing Ing: Emmm sorry I don't mean it but how can you got my phone number I think I haven't given to you yet
Jackson: You are my girlfriend so why don't I know your phone number and it's hurt you know my girlfriend doesn't recognize me
He said and fake cry.
Ing Ing: I'm sorry I really sorry ok?
Jackson: proof it
Ing Ing: ok I'll do you a favor. Tell me what you want me to do?
Jackson: really?! It's too late now so sleep tomorrow I will tell you ok?
Ing Ing: Ok
Jackson: babe wait I forgot to tell you something
Ing Ing: huh!!
Jackson: I love you
Ing Ing: Awww~~ tell me I know it's not the point
Jackson: clever I want to know that do you know who is Ting Ting crush?
Ing Ing: What!? Why you ask?
Jackson: just answer
Ing Ing: Promise that you won't tell anyone ok?
Jackson: ok just hurry
Ing Ing: Don't tell Ting Ting that you know it from me okay
Jackson: ok
Ing Ing: she loves
Jackson: Who
Ing Ing: You
Jackson: What?!
He said in unbelievable and surprise voice.
Ing Ing: just kidding she loves your best friends
Jackson: Roy!?
Ing Ing: correct
I can hear someone shout happily
Ing Ing: Jackson is there anyone with you?
Jackson: No and good night babe tomorrow don't forget I have something to catch up now bye
He makes a kiss sound through the phone
Ing Ing: Emm bye
I hang up and save the contact to Jackson❤️ I set his photo and nannan as a wallpaper of the contact and his photo as a contact photo. I hop on my bed and start sleep since tomorrow is a weekend I have to wake up early for my freedom day. I really wonder what Jackson will ask me to do?
Roy pov
When Jackson hung up with Ing Ing " Me!!!Jackson she said it was me!!!" I shout. -_-' this belongs to Jackson's face after I shout. " If I know that I won't ask her for you" he said and roll his eyes. " Hey is that call bro?" I ask. " So after you know what you gonna do?" He ask. " Follow my plan" I said proudly. " Emmmm do you know any places that just opened and it for couple?" He said. " Emmm I don't know" I said then something hit me. " Ohh!! Ohhh!! I know one it just opened yesterday" I said and shake him. " What what was its name?" He said. " 宠爱公园" I said. " Where is it?"he said. " At the XXXXXstreet" I said. " How much you know about it?"he ask. " I just know that there are many food court" I said and smile widely to him. " Can't you stop talk about food a moment" he said and roll his eyes. " Ok besides food there a very good view and some rides" I said. " Ok thanks" he said. " Ehh you gonna there alone" I ask. " No with my babe" he said while walk to his study desk. " I can go with you nannan can't do anything so I will go with you tomorrow" I said with serious tone. " I mean Ing Ing not nannan" he said. " Oh but why don't we go there with all our friends" I said. " Emm why can't but I respond on Ing Ing only" he said and face me. " Ok and night" I said and run off his room to Karry.
Karry pov
Knock knock " Come in!!" I said then Roy open the door and run to sit on my bed and smile like idiot. " Hey what happened?" I ask. " Karry~" he said and run to me and hug me tightly. I push him away and glare at him. " Karry you know" he said and smile again. " Tell me or get out my room" I said. " You know Ing Ing said that Ting Ting likes me" he said. " What?!! Really!? Congrats bro" I said and hug him. " Oh one more thing you wanna go to "宠爱公园" with us tomorrow or not?"he ask. I don't want to reject him since he's my bro but I ready told Xing Xing that I will take her on a date. " Don't think too much you also can bring your girlfriend" he added. " Ok then" I said and he said good night while rush out my room.

Hi like it?? I still have my little hope that you will like it. Thank for support my fan fiction and also sorry if it's not good. 😊🍀🍀

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