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@brendonurie commented: beautiful x}

"What the hell does this man what." I slammed my hand on my forehead and got in my car.

My car radio rang as a call came in from the number that Brendon had texted him with.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Listen, darling. You don't ever talk back to me or there will be consequences. Big ones." Brendon's voice was beautiful. But scary.

I could barely speak anymore. "Are you trying to threaten me?" I said in anger.

"Darling why would I threat you? I won't hurt you." His voice went deep.

"What do you want from me?"

A chuckle came from him. "Listen to me carefully and drive, I know your driving a 2013 Jeep Wagon. Nice car by the way. Besides that you cannot escape from me, until I know I did my job"

"Your Job is signing! What the hell, and thanks I like my car too, I'll like it more if it can run you over." I smirked.

A laugh came from him, "very funny sky, just like your parents, I wonder where they went."

"Don't. Brendon. Okay fine I'll follow your dumb orders, but if you do anything to hurt me I swear."

"Oh and you can't kill me, even if you tried." He laughed, I parked at Starbucks and saw a black car sit next to me, tinted windows, I got out and I swear I heard his voice from my phone, that he was close. By the way it echoed.

"I'm here, now what do you want."

"Go inside a drink with s.u on it is yours take it and you'll see a black car, go inside. Don't worry about your car."

I did as said, slowly I opened the door to the black car that sat next to mine. He looked a lot hotter in real life.

What the hell are you thinking sky.

What the hell are you thinking sky

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"Hello darling." He smiled he had burn and scar marks on his hands, "what do you want." I said.

"Your coming with me."

"No way in hell!" I said. And reached for the door. He took my wrist and placed it on my thigh.

"I really need to take out the ropes do I?" He laughed, my eyes widened .

"Oh hell no." I quickly reached for the door but he locked it. "Nice try Jennings."

My eyes widened again, "ugh." I felt ropes go on my wrists and then he said calmly.

"I quit music, I'm a criminal now. I need you to help me, not to kill but I need your help. They sent me to these crazy mental place, and they hurt me horribly, I can't go back there and if I do, you need to work there and save me, I saved all your friends, that guy that saved you from falling of the boardwalk, that was me." You may not remember but we went to school together"

"Brendon?" I said.

He smiled, I knew him.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, but why quit music?"

"Fans treated me like shit."

I sighed and I looked to my drink in the cup holder. He looked to me and untied the ropes.

"Okay, I trust you.." I said.

What was I doing? He could kill me right now.

The car began to move and he sung, that beautiful angelic voice of his.

We parked at a large house. He opened the door for me and led me instead, a chandelier hung from the ceiling. A crystal one. It looked like a beautiful ballroom.

Up stairs were fancy rooms, "this is your room. You'll stay here for a while."

"Brendon this is beautiful..."

He smiled and closed the door, clothes were in the closet, my size.

I'm freaked out, and flattered.


He's a killer.
He's a criminal.

I looked at the news and saw more news about the criminal. Brendon Urie.

"Stole an $899,99 dress with an $1,000 necklace. Reported at California, Mall. Today at 2:00 PM."

It was 6:30 pm.

"What the hell." I muttered under my breath and I turned to the other side of the room to see a dress and necklace lay there on a table.

Put it on. -B.U.

I thought about the S.U name on the cup.

Sky Urie?!.

This man was so fucking clever.

A knock was on the door, "get ready for dinner in 10. Put that dress and necklace on. It'll look beautiful."

"O-okay.." I said and felt scared now.

AN: I like this so far and I hope you do too! Update coming soon!

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