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  #JoshandSky or #BrendonandSky?

@sarah: hey sky! I just saw about your boyfriend, Brendon. And I want to say, what the hell are you thinking? He's a f'n murder. How stupid can you get? Even though you too make a cute couple. But what he's doing is scary, I may just have to report this to the police, he tried to block his account from any police tracker, he is sure clever. Sorry sky. But it's for you own good and own safety.

My eyes skimmed the words in fear, report to the police. No.. this can't be happening. Why was that nurse at the hospital being so nice to Brendon? Didn't they know who he is? I'm so confused.

I clicked reply and my hands shaked
No! Please don't. I beg, I love him too much, I mean he does scare me but I just love him too much, he's done so much for me and I wanna be with him, he's shown me the best side of him that I've never seen and I can't loose him, I'm scared to tell him I love him back. But please don't do it, I'll do anything. I promise.

@sarah: too late, I just got back from station. Sorry, say goodbye. Xoxo

@itsskyjenning: what the hell! No!!

I dropped my phone and ran to his room pounding on the door, "Br-Brendon?" I knocked. He opened the door with a towel wrapped around him, his hair was wet and messy.

"Sarah,, that girl I told you about.. she reported to the cops. She said for my own good and safety." Tears streamed down my face.

"Sky it'll be alright. I promise. Stay here and let me get dressed and I'll take care of things." He said, he held me close and I sighed, "this can't be happening, not again."

"Sky, you need to do me a favour, take this knife, use it. Were gonna have some fun."

"I never killed anyone in my life,"

My phone buzzed, I grabbed it. Sighing I clicked it open.

@sarah; knock,knock. Police is here.

@itsskyjenning: no!!

Sirens filled the house, Brendon was dressed, he grabbed me and hid with me somewhere private, secretive.

"Sky, just remember I love you. And I always will. We can do this."

Turns out the spot we hid in wasn't so smart, the cop busted down the door and grabbed me and Brendon throwing us on the ground. I kicked my leg up and squatted up, I stabbed the cop In the arm and another cop grabbed me and shoved me down. Brendon had a gun and killed 2 cops, my eyes widened.

More cops came and arrested Brendon and I. We sat in the same car, he had a smirk on his face.

"Take this sky." He whispered handing me a knife, I took it and stabbed the cop driving in the throat, Brendon sliently cracked the others neck.

the car stopped suddenly and we both got out, we weren't alone more cop cars followed and shot Brendon right in the knee.

"No!" I yelled as he fell to the ground stunned, "Brendon!" I said and fell right to him, he held his knee and the cops took us away, in chains.

Brendon was bleeding heavily and the cop put a cloth on his knee, we arrived at a place, the mental place.

"Have fun getting torched ." The cop grinned evilly. They let us in and threw us in the cell, I dragged my way to Brendon's way and he winced, a cop came to our cell.

"Sky Jennings? You are free to go. Sarah, bailed you, saying you did nothing wrong, Brendon will be staying for 4 years." The cop grabbed me lightly and unchained me.

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