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This Chapter Dedicated to my  best friend AjUriee and BeebosBabies an beauty and the beast vibe again.

The dress was beautiful. My eyes widened and grabbed the dress, a white and gold mask laid there to.

I put it on and added nude heels, I grabbed earrings and put my makeup on, slightly, I put my mask on, my hair was in a Dutch braid hanging over my shoulder

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I put it on and added nude heels, I grabbed earrings and put my makeup on, slightly, I put my mask on, my hair was in a Dutch braid hanging over my shoulder.
I grabbed my small bag and put my phone in there, I slightly put on perfume.

A/N Debby Ryan is no longer playing Sky, new person coming soon.

"Sky you ready? It's important" he said knocking on the door, i smiled in the mirror and put my mask on.

He looked to me and smiled, like I was the most beautiful thing out there. He had a white suit on, with a black mask, he gave me white roses and I smiled, I put one in my hair. His eyes sparkled in the light.

"Then we shall leave." He smiled, taking my hand softly. Leading me down the stairs.

A black limo pulled up, my eyes sparkled.
I looked at him once again and walked to the limo, when I entered people were in there, Sarah was there. With. Asher.

My heart stopped, I got pale fast, "Sky, don't worry."

"Hello Sky." Sarah smiled. Normally.

I gave a scowl to Asher, and smiled to Sarah. "Hi Sarah."

"You look lovely." She smiled, looking to Brendon and I. Ashers fist got red from clenching it so hard.

"And so do you, Sarah." I smiled politely.

She had a gold dress on with a long train showing her legs. Asher wore a black suit with a white mask. They looked cute together.

Brendons warm hand touched mine. "Act normal." He whispered to me, a smirk drawing on his face.

Sarah looked confused, for the rest of the ride. When we arrived Brendon and I stepped out first, I looked to Brendon and we entered. Now let me just say, this wasn't some normal masquerade it was more, normal.

Issues by Julia Michaels played.

"Shall we?" He smiled and grabbed my hand. I nodded his hand slipped around my waist, we danced slowly, he spun me around, he just kept smiling.

I got nervous and accidentally stepped on his foot but he didn't seem to notice. He just smiled. Could he stop, he's gonna cause me to smile too.

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