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I don't even know how funerals work.
-yall can hate me but I don't like panic that much or tøp anymore. Sure it's good but it's just plain music.

          +3 years have passed.+

It had been 3 years. Today I look into the mirror in black clothing, black mascara and a black veil covering my eyes, barely.

I held red roses with black gloves on with black flats, I looked down to my glove and saw my wedding ring, I looked back up and took it off. It hurt my heart.

I slammed it down and exited the bathroom, I entered the black limo and saw others, Aj, Sarah, his family.

I didn't speak a word, nor did I want to think about what even happened.

They didn't take any blood out they just placed him in the casket. I looked to the driver and he didn't even look to us.

We arrived at the funeral place, looking to the Casket it was carved

Brendon Boyd Urie.
April 12,1988

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